Friday, October 07, 2005 |
Saving my sole: part II |
These boots were made for scootin'....

In my Sept. 27 entry, 'Saving My Sole' I told the tale of woe that befell my fave pair of black Justin cowboy boots, which I used to go country dancing in several times a month, back in the day. The sole of the right boot was peeling and cracking to the point that I ran the risk of tripping each time I wore it, and the left wasn't far behind! Additionally, the left boot had a strange wear pattern on the heel, which lead me to think I'd need a heel job as well.
I didn't end up going to the Cobbler's Bench at Winchester and San Carlos after all. I still think it's a great place, but I found a different place that was a little closer for me, and a little less costly to boot! The shop is called Master Cobbler, and ironically it's also on Winchester Blvd.
I was very impressed with this place! Not only is it family-run (as are most cobbie shops, I guess), but they were very honest and helpful. They told me what was and what was NOT necessary to do to the soles and heels, which saved me some money. They also got the whole job done in three days, used excellent craftsmanship AND gave my boots the best polishing and buffing I've ever seen -- aside from Bobby, the shoe-shine guy who worked for years at the Saddle Rack back when it was in San Jose instead of Fremont. The boots truly look brand new! :) That's awesome, because I certainly can't afford to drop a couple hundred dollars on a new pair of Justin boots right now! :(
Check out these before-and-after pix....

Today I am feeling pleased. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 3:41 PM   |
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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