Wednesday, October 05, 2005 |
I got "blog-dropped"! |
I don't know if that term is in the Internet lexicon yet, but if not, it should be! ;D Just like it's "name-dropping" when someone makes reference to you in a conversation or a letter, I think "blog-dropping" is a funny yet appropriate term when someone makes reference to YOUR blog in THEIRS! And that's just what my best friend "L", a.k.a. "Milgwimper", did recently. (She, if you recall from my Sept. 23 entry, is the person who inspired me to start a blog to begin with).
Anyhoo, thank you L, for the link to my blog and the mention of ol' Scary Shari in your entry on The Wonderful World of Blog Colors! *grin* I'm glad my use of the blog color personality quiz inspired you to take it yourself. I love the blogging attributes my purple and orange colors represent for me (per that quiz), and I think your yellow and red colors are very suitable to you and your blog! What does DH think? (DH = Mil's "dear husband", and he definitely is that!) :)
That's all for now, as I need to get back to yet another freelance writing project! I'll probably write more tonight.
Today I am feeling  happy & humble. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 3:04 PM   |
Welcome to my blog: 'Meandering Missive'! |

- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
My blog here has been abandoned, sorry! But PLEASE come and visit me at -- I update my blog several times each week. And Live Journal is far better than Blogspot/Blogger in many ways!! :)
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