Monday, September 26, 2005
About my nickname & blog name!
Before I make any further entries, I thought it would be useful (or at least amusing, in an inane sort of way) to explain why my nickname is "Scary Shari" and why my blog's name is "Meandering Missive". Most folks who know me probably already know the significance of the former, but I doubt many know about the latter.

During my senior year of high school, I was co-editor of the school newspaper. One of the underclassmen in the class (I think it was a guy named Curry) spontaneously started calling me Scary Shari. It was rather an ironic nickname, because I was probably the LEAST scary person in the whole class! *chuckle* As an editor, I was almost too nice -- forgiving folks if they were late with stories and showering them with praise when they turned something in. My personality type has always been very optimistic, encouraging, friendly, funny and sensitive, which is probably why to this day, kids (who always tell it like it is) and adults alike laugh heartily when I introduce myself as Scary Shari, saying: "You're not scary!!!"

After high school I kind of forgot about that nickname, but somewhere down the line, I revived it. Maybe when I was in college, maybe afterwards. But it seems like I've always had it. :) And I like it -- for several reasons. It makes people laugh, it helps people remember my name, and it keeps people from mispronouncing my name like "SHAH-ree". Also, I love rhymes. The only thing I don't care for about the nickname is that someone told me there is (or was) some notorious female wrestler who went by Scary Shari (or Sherry, or something). I don't really like wrestling and I wouldn't want someone to think I'm taking my name from her. Then again, I think she's obscure enough that that's not going to be a problem!

And now for Meandering Missive. This story is shorter ("whew!" think my readers). When I was a copy editor for the Spartan Daily newspaper at San Jose State University, I also wrote a bi-weekly variety column. (Does bi-weekly mean the column came out every other week? If so, that's what I mean!) Each columnist could come up with a name for his or her column, and I came up with Meandering Missive. I liked calling a letter a missive because it sounds old-fashioned that way; my subject matter meandered widely from column to column; and I liked the alliteration of the "M" sound. After that semester, my column proved popular enough to be accepted for a second semester, even though I no longer was an actual Spartan Daily staffer. *blush* So I really became attached to the Meandering Missive name, and I always wondered if I would use it again sometime, somewhere. And now I am, with my blog! :)

Today I am feeling clever.
posted by ScaryShari @ 11:33 AM  
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