Tuesday, October 11, 2005 |
"Bush nominates ham sandwich; Reid bites" |
I came THIS close to deleting an email with the above title the other day, but somehow I decided to actually read it, even though it was in my dubious "Filtered Mail" (a.k.a. spam folder!) This message actually came last week, but I kept forgetting to blog about it. Sorry. :(
I'm not sure if the website this guy cites is on the up-and-up or not. His name is Steve Angelica, he's supposedly from Los Angeles, and he runs both trotn.com and thepen.us, each with a similar theme. I emailed him to ask about his motives and his methods, but he never responded. I visited his websites and they look simple enough, and safe enough, but I did not use them. I did, however, keep the email he sent because -- even though it probably is spam -- it's VERY well-written and I happen to AGREE with it. Wow, when is THAT likely to happen again!? *wry laughter* ;D
I've condensed his email below....
We told you how critical it was for us to oppose John Roberts with every fiber of our being and many thousands of you did. We warned you that allowing the stealth candidate Roberts to pass without proper scrutiny would only EMBOLDEN Bush to put forward an even more inscrutable personal crony next. And did we get that one RIGHT! The nomination of someone as unqualified as "Brownie" to replace Sandra Day O'Connor was greeted with a universal chorus of catcalls and derision from just about every corner of the media. But it is not enough for us to reject this sad excuse for a lifetime appointment; we must ALSO demand a true moderate for this next vacancy.
TAKE ACTION NOW AT http://www.trotn.com/miers.htm
In a Republican-controlled Congress that would rubberstamp a ham sandwich if the president sent one down, this one may prove to be just too hard to swallow even for them. Indeed, some commentators believe this nomination was intended to be SO objectionable that even in its defeat it would force the goal posts even further into far right field. It's not only time for a filibuster; it's time to KEEP ON filibustering until we, the American people, get what we truly deserve: a qualified MODERATE who will rule fairly for us all. And we must make it starkly plain to our representatives that their continued cowardice will cost them their own jobs and very soon.
This one-click action page will also send your personal message to both your senators, plus a letter to your nearest daily newspaper at the same time if you like. The Harriet Miers nomination is a non-starter. And as for Harry Reid, we've had it with his non-leadership as well. Strike one was the craven filibuster compromise he gave his blessing to. Strike two was allowing the ideologue Roberts to waltz through without so much as a serious challenge. And strike three was talking as if such a dedicated Bush crony as Miers even deserved a hearing. Reid has got to go.
Today I am feeling disgusted and frustrated. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:28 PM   |
Right on! Lets get rid of Roberts, Reid, Miers AND Bush!
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Right on! Lets get rid of Roberts, Reid, Miers AND Bush!