Wednesday, March 08, 2006
"Torch Song Sonnet" (a poem)
Is it "typically female" to remember the date I was dumped by a very significant boyfriend? *chuckle* That's the idea I seem to get, not that I mind. I am, after all, a woman -- and a sentimental one at that. Many men I know have a hard time even remembering birthdays and anniversaries, so I'd assume they for sure wouldn't bother remembering the date a girlfriend dumped them.

Anyway, back on March 8, 1996, I was unceremoniously dumped by R.H., who at that point in my life was my happiest and longest relationship. I was confused, heartbroken and depressed, and it took a good portion of 1996 to get over him. Yep, that's right, I carried a torch for him for a long time, considering him "my once and future boyfriend" and even referring to him that way to my friends and family. Eventually, I did get over him. (And I'll can never thank my best friend 'Milgwimper' enough for being there for me all those times I wanted to cry, rant or just talk. *hugs* I love you like a sister!)

On March 8, 1997, one year after the "dark date" on the calendar of my life, I wrote an upbeat, victorious sonnet in honour of myself and my ability to survive, heal and move optimistically onward. :)

Torch Song Sonnet (March 8, 1997)

One year ago, today, a torch of fire
Was knocked onto the ground by one I loved.
I could not let the flick'ring flame expire,
But picked it up and held it high above
My dream-filled head and bleeding, pining heart --
I couldn't let the embers fade and die!
And so for eight long months this torch was part
Of everything I did as life went by.
I let the torch go out some months ago,
But darkness did not come into my life --
Instead came magic, laughter and the glow
When hope springs from the ashes of past strife.
As tonight's pale Moon begins to wax anew,
So did my heart, when once that torch I threw.

posted by ScaryShari @ 6:57 PM  
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