Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Time for a MEME! This one rocks!
And my Live Journal friend PhonographGirl rocks too! I was just thinking this afternoon that I haven't done a meme in quite some time. I didn't want to go browsing at random for one I liked at the usual suspects (BlogQuiz, Quizilla, BlogThings, QuizFarm, etc.) because the lame stuff usually outnumbers the good stuff at those websites. *chuckle* Plus, I was feeling lazy.

Then, as I was catching up with Phono's journal, what should I see in her most recent entry but a meme! And a very cool, fun and interesting one, at that. :D In fact, I don't remember when I enjoyed doing a survey-style meme as much as this one!!

5 stops along my timeline:
15 years ago I was: Almost done with my 1st year of college
10 years ago I was: Very depressed (after March 8, 1996) because I'd just been dumped
5 years ago I was: Still in love with my job at a community newspaper group
1 year ago I was: Just starting to organize what's now become an awesome gals-only bingo & friendship group, The Bingo Belles
Yesterday I was: Feeling sicker with my cold than I do today :)

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Ice cream
2. Chocolate chip cookies
3. Chips & dip (or salsa)
4. Fresh fruit
5. Kettlecorn/popcorn

5 songs I know all the words to:
(I love songs/music & know the lyrics to so many, I don't know where to start! But these are a good sampling from different genres.)
1. "In a Big Country" - Big Country
2. "Desperado" - The Eagles
3. "You May Be Right" - Billy Joel
4. "Crash & Burn" - Savage Garden
5. "Goodbye, Earl" - Dixie Chicks

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:
(I'm not counting the act of paying a huge amount of taxes!)
1. Invest wisely so I & all my family members would never have financial worries again
2. Buy a small home on a large lot in the Santa Cruz Mountains (so there's room for all the plants, trees, flowers, veggies, etc. that I want)
3. Donate substantially to my fave charities
4. Do a lot of volunteer work (since I'd never need to work at a job again)
5. Take all my family and friends on a celebratory cruise

5 places I would run away to:
1. Scotland
2. Ireland
3. Italy
4. Hawaii
5. Yosemite

5 things I would never wear:
1. A mini skirt
2. Lingerie in public
3. Stiletto heels
4. Fake eyelashes
5. Thong-like swimsuit bottoms

5 favorite movies:(in no particular order)
1. Braveheart
2. Forrest Gump
3. When Harry Met Sally
4. The Breakfast Club
5. The Princess Bride

5 bad habits:
1. I'm too disorganized, distracted & procrastinating (ADHD)
2. I take things personally more often than I should
3. I have an aversion to touching or looking at raw chicken or turkey
4. I like to bite off the split ends on my hair
5. I spend too much money buying gifts for family & friends (not actually a BAD habit, but sometimes I go overboard and don't leave myself with much $$ for necessary things.)

5 biggest joys:
1. Loving people
2. Being loved back
3. Interacting with animals (especially dogs, rodents, cats & dolphins -- but obviously not in the same room! LOL)
4. Getting a good night's sleep
5. The beauty & majesty of Nature & the natural world

5 favorite toys:
1. My digital camera
2. My computers (Mac desktop & PC laptop)
3. My cellphone
4. My stuffed animals
5. My board games

5 fictional characters I would date:
1. James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser -- a.k.a. Jamie Fraser, the male protagonist of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. #1 choice! I'd take him in a heartbeat! ;D
2. Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
3. Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
(Yes, I have a weakness for swashbucklers and/or rogues, but these next two guys are going to break the pattern! *giggle*)
4. Earl Hickey, the main character from NBC's hilarious new sitcom My Name Is Earl
5. Noel Crane from Felicity, one of my all-time fave TV series. It ran 1998-2002 on the WB Network.

Today I am feeling pleased.
posted by ScaryShari @ 7:23 PM  
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