Thursday, February 23, 2006 |
What Winter Olympic sport best suits you? (my own quiz) |
In the spirit of the Winter Olympics, I've been searching the Internet for some type of blog quiz or meme whose theme deals with matching a person's skills and personality to a particular sporting event. I couldn't find any quizzes except for one, and that one didn't work well, so I decided to make my own! :) I used QuizFarm, a very good quiz-making website!
I couldn't include ALL the Winter Olympic sports in the quiz results, because that would have made taking the quiz a very long and cumbersome experience. So I picked what I hope is a good cross-section of seven of the available sports. I also tried hard to write accurate questions. I love making and taking blog quizzes, so please take the quiz (it's short, don't worry), and let me know what you think. Thanks!
After I took my own quiz, I was NOT surprised with my #1 event. *grin* (I'm also not surprised at the event I scored lowest in, because it's one that would terrify me!) For those of you who know how poor I am at almost anything athletic, you won't be surprised with any of my results either! Here is my best chance at an Olympic medal...
 | You scored as Curling. Want to win a medal in the Winter Olympics? Curling might just be your best bet!
Curling | | 88% | Cross-Country Skiing | | 75% | Bob Sledding (Bobsleigh) | | 56% | Figure skating | | 56% | Snowboarding | | 44% | Ice Hockey | | 19% | Freestyle Aerial Skiing | | 6% |
What sport in the Winter Olympics suits you? created with |
posted by ScaryShari @ 4:30 PM   |
Hi Shari--How have you been? Just thinking I would have loved the snow boarding thing if I was a kid. Nursing a broken kneecap and a flabby leg muscle from non-use right now, so guess the Olympians have nothing to worry about from me!
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Hi Shari--How have you been? Just thinking I would have loved the snow boarding thing if I was a kid. Nursing a broken kneecap and a flabby leg muscle from non-use right now, so guess the Olympians have nothing to worry about from me!