Friday, March 03, 2006 |
10-year-old Shari did creative writing! |
I was so amused at reading (and sharing) some entries from the journal I wrote as a 13-year-old middle school student that I decided to share something even older. All throughout elementary school, I loved creative writing and did it a lot. During the same room-cleaning process I mentioned in yesterday's entry, I found a folder of creative writing stories I did in 4th grade.
Here are two of my fave stories, which were from the end of that school year. I had something of an obsession with underlining back then; the more I wanted to emphasize a word, the more lines I placed under it! However, it's only possible to put one line under something on a webpage, so you're spared seeing all the lines. *smirk*
I sure was innocent, immature and carefree back in those days, as the stories will show! (As with my middle school journal excerpts, I'm adding a few comments in italics to clarify things. ENJOY! :)
How I've Grown Up This Semester (May 14, 1982)
I feel that the biggest thing that made me feel grown up was going to lunch with the upper grades (4, 5 and 6) and mostly being a 1st grade table monitor!! Also, I think my handwriting has improved. I do still get my name on the board but not nearly as much as in 3rd grade with Mrs. P. Plus, I can be happy to say that I've never even gotten a check! In Mrs. P.'s class I know I got checks at least twice. I could have done better! [I used to get my name on the board for fooling around with my seatmate and not paying attention, talking without raising my hand, or getting out of my seat without permission. I think I also got reprimanded for having a very messy desk. I was a good student and a good kid; I just had ADHD but no one knew it! *chuckle*]
A mature 4th grader would be able to live through school days when he/she was in hardship. For myself, well, I can say about 65 percent I've done that. My mommy thinks Mrs. S. is one of my better teachers for she is nicely strict and formal like calling Joe "Joseph" and Jay "Jason". She is a neat teacher.
My Summer Plans (June 10, 1982)
This summer I plan to do lots of fun things! I know that the best thing will be going swimming in our solar-heated pool. [The pool belonging to the townhouse complex.] I hope to take swimming lessons from the foxy lifeguard Craig!! I took lessons from him last year too. I’m so happy he’s hired back!
In about two weeks I'm off to Disneyland. When we arrive there at about 5 or 6 o’clock we'll want to do nothing but eat, possibly drive by Knott's Berry Farm and go straight to the motel. Then the whole next day at Disneyland. Then the day after that, we go down to the Valley and spend a day with some adult cousins. [As a kid, the idea of 'adult' cousins always seemed odd to me! Isn't that funny?]
Then, it’s back home and swimming! Oh, plus, we might go (in fact, I'm sure we'll go) to Natural Bridges, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and the Exploratorium! Summer fun for everyone! [Jeez! It's amazing how simple and carefree my life was like at age 10. Sometimes I wish I could be that way again!]
Today I am feeling amused. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:18 AM   |
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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