Tuesday, February 28, 2006 |
Why February sucked! |
The other day, my friend David over at LiveJournal (LJ) wrote in his journal that he was in a very good mood and that he was giving out free hugs to whoever wanted them. :) I commented I'd take one, adding that February was a very stressful month and that I'd be glad when the month was over. He commented back (along with a hug, of course) to ask why it was so stressful. Well, now that it's the last day of the month, I'll blog about it.
Basically, just about everyone I know, including myself, had way more problems than normal. Some of the people in the list below are in-person friends, some are LJ friends, and some may be both. (As you might have guessed, I've become a real part of the LJ community). I'm obviously not naming names on the list; I'm not even revealing the gender of anybody, because I respect everyone's privacy.
In the list below, when I say "conflicts" or "problems", I don't mean the little day-to-day things that you forget about at the end of the day. Everyone has those. I mean the things that are more significant, upsetting, and/or more long-lasting than they should be. :( Following the list about other folks, I'll include my own list.
Several people were very sick with viruses. Several people had conflicts with their spouses. Several people had problems with their work. Several people had conflicts with their child or children. Several people had conflicts with parents-in-law or siblings-in-law. Two people had pregnancy-related scares. One person was plagued w/ ISP and cellular phone problems. One person broke up with his/her significant other. One person was crushed to learn his/her significant other was cheating. One person began going through a bitter divorce. One person had a flare-up of a chronic health condition.
As if all that weren't enough to be stressful and depressing for an empathic person like myself, I too had my share of not-happy stuff. It included the following:
My dad giving everyone a terrible scare by falling a few days after his 83rd birthday and cutting his head on the pavement. I thought we might have to call 911, since the way he feel, it looked like he may have broken several bones or gotten a concussion. But miraculously, NONE of that bad stuff happened! A very longtime friend of my family who has three children and a grandchild discovering she has breast cancer, and being told a mastectomy isn't enough and that she also needs chemotherapy! Another longtime family friend discovering her baby grandchild may have a metabolic or endocrine disease. My applications to work part-time at three different stores/businesses I love but none have gotten back to me yet. I desperately need some work to supplement my freelancing, because my personal financial situation is about as grim as it could get (another source of unhappiness for me). Learning that after 2 weeks, one of my eBay bidders never got the item I sent her (which wasn't cheap). She chose not to purchase postal insurance, which I offer as optional on ALL my listings! The loss was totally out of my hands since I had no tracking number. However, she wanted her money refunded anyway and I was afraid she'd leave negative feedback and ruin my feedback record. :( We finally agreed to a 50% refund, which would equal both of us taking half a loss. This is the first time in my 7+ years of eBaying that the Postal Service lost a package! Getting a much smaller refund on my taxes than I expected. I had so many biz-related expenses in 2005 (a convention in Las Vegas, a new laptop, etc.) that I naively thought I'd get everything back at tax-time. WRONG! The failure of my girls-only bingo group's February game to become the one co-ed game of the year because the majority of men wouldn't or couldn't commit (although it was still a great game hosted by a great friend, Becky and her mom). The disappointment of the Winter Olympics having more examples of poor sportsmanship and/or unprofessionalism among athletes than I can remember in a long time. Seeing so many examples of reckless, rude and sometimes downright maniacal driving that I can't believe it. I normally only see this in the 2 weeks before Christmas, so I don't know why it's been so bad in February. I was almost the witness to several accidents because of these awful people -- including accidents involving cars I was driving or riding in! YIKES! A situation regarding the breakdown of good interpersonal communications with someone very important, which caused me much aggroness. It's finally on the road to resolution. I blogged about it at LiveJournal but put it in a Friends-only entry, because I don't always like the whole world being able to read about my life. But I can't do Friends-only entries here at Blogspot. Anyhoo, the situation is slowly getting better now; that's the important thing. :)
Today I am feeling  drained but relieved! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 2:44 PM   |
Welcome to my blog: 'Meandering Missive'! |

- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
My blog here has been abandoned, sorry! But PLEASE come and visit me at http://scaryshari.livejournal.com -- I update my blog several times each week. And Live Journal is far better than Blogspot/Blogger in many ways!! :)
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