Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Why February sucked!
The other day, my friend David over at LiveJournal (LJ) wrote in his journal that he was in a very good mood and that he was giving out free hugs to whoever wanted them. :) I commented I'd take one, adding that February was a very stressful month and that I'd be glad when the month was over. He commented back (along with a hug, of course) to ask why it was so stressful. Well, now that it's the last day of the month, I'll blog about it.

Basically, just about everyone I know, including myself, had way more problems than normal. Some of the people in the list below are in-person friends, some are LJ friends, and some may be both. (As you might have guessed, I've become a real part of the LJ community). I'm obviously not naming names on the list; I'm not even revealing the gender of anybody, because I respect everyone's privacy.

In the list below, when I say "conflicts" or "problems", I don't mean the little day-to-day things that you forget about at the end of the day. Everyone has those. I mean the things that are more significant, upsetting, and/or more long-lasting than they should be. :( Following the list about other folks, I'll include my own list.

  • Several people were very sick with viruses.

  • Several people had conflicts with their spouses.

  • Several people had problems with their work.

  • Several people had conflicts with their child or children.

  • Several people had conflicts with parents-in-law or siblings-in-law.

  • Two people had pregnancy-related scares.

  • One person was plagued w/ ISP and cellular phone problems.

  • One person broke up with his/her significant other.

  • One person was crushed to learn his/her significant other was cheating.

  • One person began going through a bitter divorce.

  • One person had a flare-up of a chronic health condition.

  • As if all that weren't enough to be stressful and depressing for an empathic person like myself, I too had my share of not-happy stuff. It included the following:

  • My dad giving everyone a terrible scare by falling a few days after his 83rd birthday and cutting his head on the pavement. I thought we might have to call 911, since the way he feel, it looked like he may have broken several bones or gotten a concussion. But miraculously, NONE of that bad stuff happened!

  • A very longtime friend of my family who has three children and a grandchild discovering she has breast cancer, and being told a mastectomy isn't enough and that she also needs chemotherapy!

  • Another longtime family friend discovering her baby grandchild may have a metabolic or endocrine disease.

  • My applications to work part-time at three different stores/businesses I love but none have gotten back to me yet. I desperately need some work to supplement my freelancing, because my personal financial situation is about as grim as it could get (another source of unhappiness for me).

  • Learning that after 2 weeks, one of my eBay bidders never got the item I sent her (which wasn't cheap). She chose not to purchase postal insurance, which I offer as optional on ALL my listings! The loss was totally out of my hands since I had no tracking number. However, she wanted her money refunded anyway and I was afraid she'd leave negative feedback and ruin my feedback record. :( We finally agreed to a 50% refund, which would equal both of us taking half a loss. This is the first time in my 7+ years of eBaying that the Postal Service lost a package!

  • Getting a much smaller refund on my taxes than I expected. I had so many biz-related expenses in 2005 (a convention in Las Vegas, a new laptop, etc.) that I naively thought I'd get everything back at tax-time. WRONG!

  • The failure of my girls-only bingo group's February game to become the one co-ed game of the year because the majority of men wouldn't or couldn't commit (although it was still a great game hosted by a great friend, Becky and her mom).

  • The disappointment of the Winter Olympics having more examples of poor sportsmanship and/or unprofessionalism among athletes than I can remember in a long time.

  • Seeing so many examples of reckless, rude and sometimes downright maniacal driving that I can't believe it. I normally only see this in the 2 weeks before Christmas, so I don't know why it's been so bad in February. I was almost the witness to several accidents because of these awful people -- including accidents involving cars I was driving or riding in! YIKES!

  • A situation regarding the breakdown of good interpersonal communications with someone very important, which caused me much aggroness. It's finally on the road to resolution. I blogged about it at LiveJournal but put it in a Friends-only entry, because I don't always like the whole world being able to read about my life. But I can't do Friends-only entries here at Blogspot. Anyhoo, the situation is slowly getting better now; that's the important thing. :)

    Today I am feeling drained but relieved!
  • posted by ScaryShari @ 2:44 PM  
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