Saturday, February 18, 2006 |
February's bingo game! |
Last night was another great gathering of my monthly gals-only bingo group, The Bingo Belles. <---You can click this link to learn more about the group. My friend Becky S. (distinguished from my other friend Becky R.) and her cool mom co-hosted at her mom's home this month. Becky -- I know I already thanked you both, but I'm saying thanks again! :)
It was nice for me to take a break from having all the games at my house, plus between Becky's mom's driveway and the cul-de-sac, there was room for more folks to park than in my townhouse complex. In total, there were 9 players, which ties with December for the most players since I started the group last spring! :D Aside from Becky, her adorable son Andrew, her mom and her mom's friend from work, there were 5 others (4 plus me). Several other gals wanted to come but couldn't make it. I wonder how we'd all have squozen in if they HAD come?!
The February game was originally supposed to be a "co-ed" bingo, but it didn't work out. This concept is a throwback to the old bingo group I used to play with until they showed their true (evil) colours and intolerantly kicked out the players who were not ultra-conservative religiously and politically. :[ Long story -- don't even ask or I'll start in on a long tangent! *chuckle*
Anyhoo, I always thought it was very funny and fun to have men play bingo one time each year. The guys are typically always the ones to make fun of us for loving bingo and who insist they'd never enjoy such an inane game. (heehee) But of course, when they actually get dragged to the game, they usually end up having excellent luck and often become as giddy as young girls. Hilarious!
BTW, we all play bingo for gifts that we bring and win/steal, not money. Well, except for the blackout round, in which everyone puts $2 in the pot and the winner takes all. I won't bore anyone with all the specifics on how we play, but feel free to ask if you're curious. Basically each time someone bingos, they get to unwrap a gift. Once all the gifts are unwrapped, THEN the stealing starts for the rest of the evening, each time someone bingos.
Unfortunately, we ended up NOT having co-ed bingo after all, because there would not have been enough men. Even tho most of the players did have husbands, boyfriends, male friends or male family members to invite, most of them are unable to attend, not sure they can attend, or didn't want to attend, for a variety of reasons. :( It would certainly be awkward if only 1 or 2 guys showed up! So, I told everyone not to worry about bringing a guy this time. Maybe next year it'll work out. Of course, Becky still brought Andrew, since she'd already planned it and he was going to spend the night at Grandma's. I was very glad he came! Andrew is a very funny, smart and cute boy, and also a very good sport -- both when he won and when he didn't win. I feel safe saying that everyone enjoyed his company. :D
I would have taken pictures last night, but I was very aggro when I left my house, and also running a bit late, especially since I was going to another friend's house to carpool. So, in the absense of posting a pic from last night, I'll instead (just for fun!) share a photo of the Bingo Belles from our December game, which also had a big turnout. Not all of February's players are in the December pic, but half are. :)

Today I am feeling pleased. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 5:22 PM   |
Your games sound FUN! I think you need to write a comedic novella about the drama with the other group and call it Bingo Bitches - hehehe!
Yet another GMTA, Shari! *highfive* I and the other friend who got kicked out have, in fact, dubbed the old group "The Bingo Bitches." (LOL) I don't normally like calling anybody names, but the women in that group unfortunately truly earned that nickname.
Anyhoo, the monthly games of the Bingo Belles definitely ARE fun! Everyone's very fun-loving and open-minded (traits most members of the old group lacked), not to mention we are downright silly sometimes. ;D Everyone also brings great gifts and/or giftcards to be won. You'd love playing with us and fit right in. I just know it, since we're so similar in just about every other way. :)
If you're ever in the Bay Area on the 3rd Friday of the month, let me know! (Hey, stranger things have happened)
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Your games sound FUN! I think you need to write a comedic novella about the drama with the other group and call it Bingo Bitches - hehehe!