Monday, February 13, 2006 |
Candy hearts & squirrels! |
I'm sure no one will ever again hear THOSE two things mentioned in the same sentence! (heehee)
First things first -- the candy heart! I discovered Acme Labs' funny and fun Candy Heart Maker website a while ago, but was waiting until close to Valentine's Day to use it. You can design your own "conversation heart" candies in a variety of candy and text colours, and of course with your own words. Here's mine:

I think everyone knows my fave colour. However, since almost everyone also knows my background in writing and editing (and my obsessive-compulsive copy editing tendencies *grin*), I don't want anyone to think I suddenly lost my mind and misspelled the word hopeful! I didn't. I wrote the candy heart this way as a sort of play on words. If you're hopeful about something, you could also be considered as full of hope, or "hope full". And I think that's a suitable sentiment for many people on Valentine's Day. :)
Next up: the squirrel photos! My Live Journal friend Wilhelmina, who likes squirrels almost as much as I do (heehee) and I have been talking about these cute little critters for a while now. She also loves photography and has taken some great photos of the ekorren (squirrels) in Sweden, which have long, sticking-up ears covered in fur.
I've spent the past two or three weeks (or more) trying to make friends with the tree squirrels who live in my townhouse complex. They are Eastern Gray Squirrels <---click for a great link! My efforts were slow going, but ultimately successful, and improving every day! :)
Here are the photos, followed by a heart-warming squirrel story. Please click on the pix to view the larger/better version. I don't think this squirrel is my special friend (as explained in the story below), but it's one of the squirrels who recognizes me -- otherwise I don't think it would have allowed me to come so close. I used my camera's zoom lens, so I'm not quite as close at it looks. However, the zoom lens is very limited, so I still had to get closer than most squirrels would allow! *chuckle*

When I first started walking around with my zipper bag of roasted, un-shelled, un-salted peanuts, the squirrels would all run into the trees when they saw me. They did NOT shriek and chatter like they do when they see a cat, so obviously they knew I wasn't a threat or a predator. However, they didn't really trust me either. However, I patiently kept walking the area, talking in a friendly, quiet voice as they stared at me from up in the trees. I also shook the peanut bag, and I'm sure the noise got their attention. They watched as I placed peanuts in certain places, and whenever I came back to those places an hour or two later, the nuts were gone! ;D
Over time, some would still dash into the trees when I got too close, but others would only scamper to another part of the grass or landscaping, rather than running away. In the last few days, two squirrels have become trusting enough to stay on the ground and let me toss peanuts to them. I think they're actually a "couple", because I often see them playfully chasing each other around and around the trunk of their favourite tree, a very large camphor. So cute!! ;)
Today, I saw some squirrels and went out as usual. I knelt down, shook the bag and announced "Peanuts! I have peanuts!" One squirrel, who I'm sure was part of the friendly pair, actually came over to me! I was so happy!! Normally, squirrels run AWAY from people. This one ran TOWARD me! :D :) It kept boundering and scampering through the grass -- in a straight line, no less -- until it was only a few feet away! It then hopped up on a rock -- I think to get eye level with me -- then hopped off the rock. I almost thought if I held my arm out, it might take the nut from my hand. But I didn't want to seem pushy or over-eager. Neither squirrels nor humans appreciate pushiness! *chuckle* Good things come to those who wait. So I simply tossed the peanut to my friend, who took it in his/her mouth and then thought for a while about whether or not to eat it in front of me. However, I don't think he/she was quite ready for that, choosing instead to take the nut up into the big camphor tree.
I know some people might not understand how I feel, but I feel so happy about this that I can't put it into words. :) I love all animals, but I have a special love for rodents. I also feel very accomplished when I can gain the trust of an animal who normally does not interact closely with humans. Of course, there are lots of squirrels in parks, at beaches, etc. that are very familiar with humans and will practically sit on your lap and BEG for food. However, the squirrels in my townhouse complex are not like that. So it's even more special to me that we're becoming friends. I like to think that they can sense a "kindred spirit." :)
Today I am feeling hopeful. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 9:02 PM   |
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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