Friday, February 03, 2006 |
All about acacias! |
The photo below is a Bailey acacia (Acacia baileyana), also called Cootamundra Wattle or Golden Mimosa Tree. They're blooming everywhere right now! (Click the pic for a close-up)
As some of you know, I have 2 blogs at One is called Meandering Missive and, as you'd expect, is a nearly exact "clone" of this one. The other one is called Earthly Delights. It's a way for me to "publish" my gardening column, Earthly Delights, which used to actually run in some local newspapers (and I actually got paid for it, but no more!)
To learn the good, the bad and the ugly about the often misunderstood but beautiful and (yes, even useful!) acacia tree, please read "All about acacias" at Earthly Delights. Thanks! I promise it will be interesting, and not too long! After you read the column, please feel free to post any comments there, if you wish. :)

Today I am feeling accomplished. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 5:24 PM   |
Welcome to my blog: 'Meandering Missive'! |

- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
My blog here has been abandoned, sorry! But PLEASE come and visit me at -- I update my blog several times each week. And Live Journal is far better than Blogspot/Blogger in many ways!! :)
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