Monday, January 30, 2006
Earwax: the genetic shocker!
What type of earwax do you have? And does it matter?

I know this is probably the most inane question you'll hear all week (LOL) but I'm not just being my usual silly self. I actually just read an online news article about this very topic!

Apparently there are 2 types of earwax among humans ("wet/sticky", or "dry") and the type you have says something about your genes and what part of the world your ancestors came from. This sure isn't the type of thing I normally think about, and it's not exactly dinner table conversation or a way to strike up a conversation with strangers!! ;D But it really is kind of interesting, in a "news of the weird" sort of way.

Here is a link to the article. I'd be interested to know what people think.

And now I have just two additional quick "sponsors" to plug/link to in my blog. I did most of my recent batch the other day in a longish post, so I promise this'll be short. is a very comprehensive source for info on class-action lawsuits and other legal actions against consumer products, medications, businesses, etc. Accutane side effects are apparently one of the biggies these days, since many folks used to use the drug for severe acne. I'm not sure how to make a clever segue about Boston office space because I don't live there and don't know anyone who does. So I'll just say that looks like a helpful website for anyone looking for a place to hang their high-tech hat. And that's that! :)

Today I am feeling amused (at the earwax thing!)
posted by ScaryShari @ 9:38 PM  
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