Sunday, January 29, 2006 |
Shari's strange dreams |
Wow! :D A second blog entry in the same day! I'm mainly writing again because I remembered that I don't want to forget about the strange dreams I had last night! I was foolish not to have written about them, or at least made notes, this morning, when the memories were more fresh. Now it's almost bedtime again! However, due to the fact that I thought about these dreams all day today, I still remember enough to be worth writing.
If you don't know what a chinchilla looks like, you may want to click here before reading the story. :)
The first part I remember about this dream is that I was staying in a rather large, well-appointed hotel room with two beds. The nightstand between the two beds was also quite large; you see in a moment why this came in handy. I don't know why I was staying in a hotel room, or who I may have been staying with. I do remember that I had just received something that for lack of a better word, I will now call a "grow your own chinchilla kit". (Angela, are you laughing or cringing?)
It consisted of a wire cage (too small for chinchillas in real life) and two wadded up balls of what looked like newspaper pieces or wood shavings or fabric strips. I don't really recall. Inside each of them was a baby chinchilla, and I was supposed to wait for each to "hatch". (Now I know who's laughing!)
Somehow I knew they weren't "due" for a few days, so I was surprised when I felt movement inside one of the balls and thought I spied a tiny baby chinchilla through the cracks, peeking at me. I picked up the ball and took it to another cage (where did that come from?) on the hotel room's writing desk near the TV.
All of a sudden, the baby chin burst out of the ball and started bouncing in my hands. Actually more like boinging! LOL I thought the hyper little thing would get away, but it never tried to escape. Its fur was a beautiful gray, BTW. I managed to get it into the second cage without either of us getting hurt, and all was well.
Next thing I know, the other ball starts to hatch! The chinnie in that one wasn't nearly as bouncy as the first (its sibling?) The most unusual thing about it was that its fur had the colouring of a black-and-white hooded rat. I know this colour pattern doesn't exist in chinnies, but it does in rats. In fact, I used to have pet rats like that, so I'm sure that's where it came from in my dream. I've commented to many folks that if rats didn't have such a heartbreakingly short lifespan (2-3 years average), I'd probably still keep them as pets, because I love them so much. :)
Actually, I love all rodents, which is why I now want to get chinchillas, as their lifespan is a remarkable 10-15 years in captivity, or longer! They're larger than rats but not that much heavier; their extremely lush fur makes them seem "hefty", but they're surprisingly light and easy to hold. They're also very social, curious and intelligent, not to mention CUTE with a capital C! I've heard they're not quite as intelligent as rats, but close. Anyway, that's fine with me. The most important thing to me is a friendly temperament. :)
Back to my dream -- I don't remember much else about the two chins, or whether I ever left the hotel room, but I do remember another snippet of the dream in which time must have passed, because suddenly both chins were about 8 to 12 inches long and lounging around on me, one chin on each shoulder! I kept stroking their rich fur and all three of us were very happy and content.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The next dream also involved two beautiful animals, interestingly enough. This time two dogs (another of my favourite animals). I think one was a black lab or chocolate lab, and the other was a golden lab or a golden retriever. I brought them with me to a part-time job I'd recently taken, which makes no sense because the job was at a Subway sandwich shop, where I used to work back when I was a senior in high school and during my first two or so years in college.
I don't recall much else about the doggies, except they may have gotten into a little mischief in the shop. But the main thing about the dream is that the Subway shop was about as big as the kitchen in an apartment! And rather than being an actual storefront, it was enclosed on all sides by glass windows, through which people could come up and order their food. Very odd! There were several of us in there at a time, and I don't know how we all moved about!
I also remember the "shop" was located at the intersection of Pearl and Chynoweth Avenues (for those readers who live in San Jose). Except I don't think there was affordable housing or a Light Rail station there, but rather the more rural look it had in the 1970s. I also remember one of the employees was a senior citizen, and I wondered why he wanted to work there. He was very nice and we had some long chats about our lives as we worked. Oh, and he wore a baseball cap and glasses, but I don't know if the rest of us wore caps as part of our uniforms. I think part of the time he, I and the others worked in the "shop" was at night, because I remember looking out the windows and seeing it dark. It made me feel a little anxious, for some reason.
And that's about all I recall. Interesting, eh?
Today I am feeling sleepy! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:22 PM   |
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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