Monday, January 16, 2006 |
Shari's stir fry adventure |
In my last entry, I promised a food-related one this time, so here it is. I'd much rather tell you all that I just started a NEW blog, called Earthly Delights over at Live Journal. It's a way for me to reprint the best past editions of a gardening column I used to write, called Earthly Delights, plus write new columns after I use up the old. I'll also be posting my photos that accompanied the column. (I wanted to start a blog of this name here at Blogspot too, but the name was already taken.)
There's a bit of a story behind the column (don't worry; not too long). I'd be tickled pink if you took a peek at the introductory column by clicking the link above. And if you're a Live Journal member, I hope you'll consider adding my Earthly Delights blog to your friends list. *blush* Thanks! I'll blog more about my column in the near future.
But now, due to popular demand, I shall finally blog again about something that I actually COOKED! Do I hear a cheer coming from the directions of my friends "Milgwimper" and Jo, and my new online friends Clare and Fran? *grin* (These ladies are all good cooks, adventurous eaters and love to blog about food. Milgwimper, my best friend, has also been faithfully encouraging me to expand my forays into cooking and baking. Mainly cooking, as I'm more confident with baking.)
I'm pretty proud of the beef and vegetable stir fry I made the other night, not only because it turned out delicious, but because I made it without even consulting a recipe! (Sadly, that truly makes it an adventure for me, the easily intimidated cook). And here is a photo of my unique dish! Click the pic to enlarge it....

OOOPS! What's going on? I didn't make dog stir fry! Where did those furry little cuties come from? It looks like there's been a terrible error! Please don't call the Humane Society! You know what an animal lover I am!!
*giggle* Okay, so I'm being a little silly and composed a crazy-looking "still life" before I started cooking. But I really did make a beef veggie stir fry, completely sans recipe. I didn't have time to blog about it the night I made it, but here's what I did.
First I browned some ground beef in a frying pan/skillet with a little bit of oil. Not just ANY ground beef, but sirloin! And not just ANY oil, but garlic olive oil!
Afterwards (in another pan), I sauteed/stir fried TWO varieties of mixed frozen veggies, also in the garlic olive oil. Both were from Trader Joe's. The TJ's Harvest Hodgepodge consisted of broccoli, carrots, baby corn, water chestnuts, mushrooms, sugar snap peas, red bell peppers and onions. The TJ's Stir Fry Vegetables consisted of carrots, water chestnuts, mushrooms, snow peas (a.k.a. Chinese peapods), green soybeans, bean sprouts and bamboo shoots. I used half of the veggies from each bag, leaving the rest frozen for another time.
When the veggies were al dente but not soft, I added the beef, along with two sauces by Kikkoman: their Stir Fry Sauce (not sure what all is in it) and Teriyaki Sauce. I was more generous with the Stir Fry sauce than the Teriyaki, not wanting things to get too salty.
Once the veggies had softened a bit (I don't really like them al dente), the beef was hot, and the sauces had melded with each other and with the food, the dish was done! And we ate it! :) And it was colourful, healthy and very delicious! Here's a photo; as always, you can click it for a larger version. The white tinge/blurriness is due to the steam rising.

One quick thing before I go; I have two quick additional "message from my sponsor" links, which I get paid to link to with certain keywords. You all know the drill. *blush* The first is A.E. Feldman, a company that among other things specializes in executive placement, management consulting and risk management jobs. They're definitely not fly-by-nighters; in fact, they've been around since 1967 and are a woman-owned, second-generation biz. I like that! :) The next link is One of the class actions they're currently profiling is the Prempro lawsuit. I know nothing of this because I'm way too young to be on any hormone replacement therapy (and don't know if I'll ever opt for it). However, I'm sure many women 50 and older will find this info of interest.
And that's it! I hope my details about the stir fry (and the hot steamy photo) didn't make anyone TOO hungry! ;) I love stir frying anything and am trying to think up new and tasty combinations of meats, veggies and sauce. If anyone wants to post a comment with suggestions, that would be great! And please check back soon for more news on my Earthly Delights column.
Today I am feeling accomplished. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 7:46 PM   |
Dog fry! No! (Have you ever seen the canned dog juice from Korea? Barfie-ew-ew!)
I'm wigged (in a good but weirded-out sense) right now - guess what was called during the early years? "Earthly Station of Delights"!
Whoa! I took it from the Bosch painting "Garden of Earthly Delights" then combined it with the idea of a train station (hyperlinks = exciting destinations! Well, they did in 1995.) and mixed up the word order a little.
(Here's the link from 1996.)
If this Shari-symetry gets any zanier, we're going to have to start meeting for tea parties on the astral plane!
*highfive Shari*! "Shari-symetry" is a great word, and even more precise than "Shariness". ;)
I'd love to meet you for tea on the astral plane, but since I've only ever been there once or maybe twice (THAT being a whole other story best saved for email), I don't know if I'd be a show or no-show for our party. *grin* Maybe we could settle for downing froo-froo frozen fruity frappes at Fat Tuesday instead! I'll let you know when I'm coming to Vegas again. (But I'll leave my alliteration behind!)
But seriously, that's an interesting (and neat) coincidence how we both were inspired by Bosch's famous triptych. I chose "Earthly Delights" for my gardening column because "Garden" is part of his painting's full name, which I found appropriate. And also because I hoped the phrase would ring a bell in at least half the population, who knew of Bosch's art.
And ALSO (why am I starting all these sentences with "and"?) because, as a greenthumb, I feel that just about everything that grows from the earth is delightful, hence "Earthly Delights." :)
I visited your archived website and I really liked it! Your topics and layout and everything are very cool. :) I can see why you're such a prolific blogger -- even in 1995/96 with Earthly Station, you were sort of moving in the direction of what would become blogdom.
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- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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Dog fry! No! (Have you ever seen the canned dog juice from Korea? Barfie-ew-ew!)
I'm wigged (in a good but weirded-out sense) right now - guess what was called during the early years? "Earthly Station of Delights"!
Whoa! I took it from the Bosch painting "Garden of Earthly Delights" then combined it with the idea of a train station (hyperlinks = exciting destinations! Well, they did in 1995.) and mixed up the word order a little.
(Here's the link from 1996.)
If this Shari-symetry gets any zanier, we're going to have to start meeting for tea parties on the astral plane!