Thursday, January 19, 2006 |
To whom does the finger point? It points to thee! |
(With apologies to Ernest Hemingway, whose For Whom The Bell Tolls quotation I rewrote in an attempt at wittiness) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It seems like the newspapers are full of depressing, frightening and/or angering headlines these days. However, today when I read my hometown newspaper, the San Jose Mercury News, I felt smugly elated! That's because justice was more than served, right here in my own Santa Clara County, to two people who deserved it: Las Vegas residents Anna Ayala and her husband Jaime Plascencia. Anna will receive nine years in prison, and Jaime will receive 12 years, four months! HA HA!! "You've been served, losers!"
I'm not normally a spiteful or hateful person, but in this case, I am. I have neither patience nor sympathy for frauds, scammers and con artists who don't mind ruining the lives of innocent people just to make a buck or two. Those types of people are about as classy as pond scum or yesterday's garbage, and Anna and Jaime are among them. >:( I'm sure their names ring an unpleasant bell by now, since their names -- especially Anna's -- have been headline fodder for almost a year. (I won't provide links to online news articles about this; you'll find more than enough if you do a simple Google search.
In a nutshell: Anna is the person who, on March 22, 2005, placed a severed finger in a bowl of chili at a Wendy's fast food restaurant right here in San Jose! She pretended to be shocked, sickened and angered, and proceeded to ATTEMPT to sue Wendy's for a large sum of money. It's amazing how the whole world learned about this sickening lie in just a few short weeks, and continued to follow the story as details unfolded, including Anna's dark past involving several failed lawsuit attempts (which she never followed through on because her bluff was called or she ran out of steam) as well as a cruel case of fraud.
And her husband is a real winner!! Along with being Anna's accomplice by obtaining the severed finger from a co-worker whom he promised to pay if Anna's scheme earned them some money, Jaime has an even darker past -- failing to pay child support, child abandonment, identity theft and fraudulent use of official documents. The two of them are certainly quite a pair!
The losers were initially also ordered by a judge to pay $21 million in restitution to Wendy's for all the money the corporation lost due to negative publicity before Anna and Jaime's confessions. However, neither the corporation nor the manager of that particular Wendy's are going after the millions. They are, however, demanding the losers cough up $170,000. This is to cover the lost wages of the Wendy's employees who were laid off or had their hours cut due to a drop in business.
Here's a great quote from Santa Clara County Judge Edward Davila that just about sums up the case: "Greed and avarice overtook this couple, and they lost their moral compass." Gee, aren't those two of the seven deadly sins? I wonder how many of the remaining five Anna and Jaime have been overtaken by, and we just don't know it? *smirk* Maybe we don't want to know!
It's nice when the daily newspaper has a HAPPY headline for a change, isn't it?
Today I am feeling gleeful! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 9:45 PM   |
Good - I hope they have to spend the rest of their lives paying that debt on a timely schedule. (And I hope the Wendy's employees who lost their wages directly benefit from some of it, too.)
Greed and avarice aren't two of the deadly sins - they're the same deadly sin! :) I guess the judge was as disgusted as we are and had to say it twice!
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Good - I hope they have to spend the rest of their lives paying that debt on a timely schedule. (And I hope the Wendy's employees who lost their wages directly benefit from some of it, too.)
Greed and avarice aren't two of the deadly sins - they're the same deadly sin! :) I guess the judge was as disgusted as we are and had to say it twice!