Saturday, January 14, 2006 |
I picked a userpic! |
And the winner is.... #2 1. 2. 3. 
Thank you to everyone who voted both here at Blogspot and at my LiveJournal pseudo-blog for your favourite among the three blog userpics/avatars I designed at (Please scroll down this page to the previous blog entry for more info about my avatar-making and the reason behind it). Between here and LiveJournal, six folks voted.
One person chose pic #1, three chose pic #2, one chose pic #3, and one person's vote was simply that they didn't want #1. It's interesting that the majority preferred #2, because that was the one I was leaning toward myself. I liked all the pix, but the first one had eyes that were a little too "squinty", and the third one had eyes that were a little too round/wide to be real -- more like anime. %-)
Interestingly enough, the more I looked at pic #2, the more I think it resembles Natalie Portman a little bit, especially the eyes (aside from the fact that mine are green and hers are brown). I've always thought she had a classy and classic beauty, and there's no way I could EVER hold a candle to her! *blush* She is simply stunning. So, just for the record, I'm not trying to imply I think I look like Natalie. I just think pic #2 looks more like me than the others do.
"And now a quick word from my sponsors." As most of you know, I also use my blog to make a wee bit of extra $$. I decided against Google AdSense banners along the top or sides of my blog, because I think they're distracting and they don't always match correctly to the keywords in whatever you're talking about.
What I do instead is make brief mention of certain companies, linked with certain keywords, in a few of my blog entries each month. I get a small but nice compensation each time, and it certainly adds up. :) However, since I don't want to ever sound like I'm blindly promoting things, I promised myself (and my readers) I'll never talk about/link to any company until I've actually visited their website myself, and seen what they're all about. And now, without further ado, here are three now!
It seems Internet marketing firms, such as USWeb, are springing up like mushrooms. However, just like shrooms, some firms are better than others. USWeb strikes me as quite professional: they've been in biz 10+ years, offer a variety of services and have an impressive portfolio, including Fortune 500 companies. Next up is and their beautiful (albeit out of my price range) pearl jewelry. Although its name sounds like it's based in Italy -- or at least New York -- Lussori is actually in Carmel, California, a pleasant coastal town I've played tourist in many times. :) Speaking of pretty sparkly things, the price of gold is in constant flux, but the Monex Deposit Company monitors it -- along with silver, platinum and palladium prices -- like a "yard duty" monitors the school playground at recess!
And now that I got caught up with a few things, I'm hitting the hay! Last night (Friday the 13th -- OOOOH!) I had the gals over for our monthly bingo group, The Bingo Belles, and I was so wound up afterwards that I didn't get to sleep until late. It was a very funny and fun game, and so was the company. :) Plus I actually won TWO gifts this time around. (Last month I was a big loser). Anyhoo, between trying to wind down from the party last night, and accidentally waking up too early this morning, I am definitely ready to catch some Zzzzzz's now. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Thanks again to the five folks who voted for my userpic/avatar. Tune in soon for one of my long-awaited FOOD entries -- with photos! ;D
Today I am feeling sleepy. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:33 PM   |
Welcome to my blog: 'Meandering Missive'! |

- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
My blog here has been abandoned, sorry! But PLEASE come and visit me at -- I update my blog several times each week. And Live Journal is far better than Blogspot/Blogger in many ways!! :)
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