Saturday, March 11, 2006 |
Snow in San Jose!! |
That's right, it actually snowed in certain parts of San Jose yesterday (Friday), including bustling downtown, of all places. Unfortunately, it didn't snow here, but we *did* get some hail (and lots of rain). And of course there's snow on the two highest peaks at opposite sides of the Santa Clara Valley: Mt. Hamilton (4,200+ feet) and Mt. Umunhum (3,400+ feet). Mt. Hamilton, in fact, was where I photographed my "Ansel Adams" oak tree back in December 2003. *blush*
It also snowed in the Santa Cruz Mountains, whose highest elevation is (I think?) around 2,700 feet but generally is lower. Whatever the case with the Santa Cruz Mountains, they're high enough, and the weird weather was cold enough, for Highway 17 between Los Gatos and Santa Cruz to temporarily CLOSE due to SNOW! The snow in the mountains and down here in the Valley made PAGE ONE headlines in the Mercury News, our local paper! *chuckle*
I really badly wanted to go to ANY of these snowy locations, but it didn't happen. :( I was too busy yesterday, and again today. At least they're good commitments, and I probably wouldn't have gone to the snow even without having them, since I'm still getting over the remainder of the extremely YUCKY cold I caught one week ago. I don't feel sick at all anymore, but my sinuses are still somewhat messed up. I almost thought I was developing a sinus infection; that's how long the darn cold affected me!
At any rate, I just wanted to record this "snow date" for posterity. :) It's not all that odd to have a few days of snow in the local mountains, but it's VERY uncommon to have snow down here in the Valley! Maybe it'll happen once more before Spring, and I'll be able to go and play in it!
P.S. For those following my ongoing squirrel escapades -- I had a nice visit with Peanut and Goober today, because it was finally sunny and relatively clear. (I also saw several squirrels who don't know me -- YET!) I hadn't noticed Peanut or Goober around for 2 or 3 days during the bad weather,so I was glad to see my friends again, and I suspect the feeling was mutual. ;)= I also think I need to buy another bag of unshelled peanuts soon!
Today I am feeling agog at the snow! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 3:23 PM   |
Thursday, March 09, 2006 |
I don't know why I never heard of this show on the cable channel VH-1 before, but ever since last night, I've been in love! ;D :)
Anyone who was a kid in the 1960s, '70s or even the '80s will find something to reminisce about with "I Love Toys"! It's such a funny and fun trip down memory lane, I can't stand it!
Here's the webpage: I Love Toys on VH-1.
Today I am feeling reminiscent. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:34 PM   |
Wednesday, March 08, 2006 |
"Torch Song Sonnet" (a poem) |
Is it "typically female" to remember the date I was dumped by a very significant boyfriend? *chuckle* That's the idea I seem to get, not that I mind. I am, after all, a woman -- and a sentimental one at that. Many men I know have a hard time even remembering birthdays and anniversaries, so I'd assume they for sure wouldn't bother remembering the date a girlfriend dumped them.
Anyway, back on March 8, 1996, I was unceremoniously dumped by R.H., who at that point in my life was my happiest and longest relationship. I was confused, heartbroken and depressed, and it took a good portion of 1996 to get over him. Yep, that's right, I carried a torch for him for a long time, considering him "my once and future boyfriend" and even referring to him that way to my friends and family. Eventually, I did get over him. (And I'll can never thank my best friend 'Milgwimper' enough for being there for me all those times I wanted to cry, rant or just talk. *hugs* I love you like a sister!)
On March 8, 1997, one year after the "dark date" on the calendar of my life, I wrote an upbeat, victorious sonnet in honour of myself and my ability to survive, heal and move optimistically onward. :)
Torch Song Sonnet (March 8, 1997)
One year ago, today, a torch of fire Was knocked onto the ground by one I loved. I could not let the flick'ring flame expire, But picked it up and held it high above My dream-filled head and bleeding, pining heart -- I couldn't let the embers fade and die! And so for eight long months this torch was part Of everything I did as life went by. I let the torch go out some months ago, But darkness did not come into my life -- Instead came magic, laughter and the glow When hope springs from the ashes of past strife. As tonight's pale Moon begins to wax anew, So did my heart, when once that torch I threw.
sjk |
posted by ScaryShari @ 6:57 PM   |
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 |
Time for a MEME! This one rocks! |
And my Live Journal friend PhonographGirl rocks too! I was just thinking this afternoon that I haven't done a meme in quite some time. I didn't want to go browsing at random for one I liked at the usual suspects (BlogQuiz, Quizilla, BlogThings, QuizFarm, etc.) because the lame stuff usually outnumbers the good stuff at those websites. *chuckle* Plus, I was feeling lazy.
Then, as I was catching up with Phono's journal, what should I see in her most recent entry but a meme! And a very cool, fun and interesting one, at that. :D In fact, I don't remember when I enjoyed doing a survey-style meme as much as this one!!
5 stops along my timeline: 15 years ago I was: Almost done with my 1st year of college 10 years ago I was: Very depressed (after March 8, 1996) because I'd just been dumped 5 years ago I was: Still in love with my job at a community newspaper group 1 year ago I was: Just starting to organize what's now become an awesome gals-only bingo & friendship group, The Bingo Belles Yesterday I was: Feeling sicker with my cold than I do today :)
5 snacks I enjoy: 1. Ice cream 2. Chocolate chip cookies 3. Chips & dip (or salsa) 4. Fresh fruit 5. Kettlecorn/popcorn
5 songs I know all the words to: (I love songs/music & know the lyrics to so many, I don't know where to start! But these are a good sampling from different genres.) 1. "In a Big Country" - Big Country 2. "Desperado" - The Eagles 3. "You May Be Right" - Billy Joel 4. "Crash & Burn" - Savage Garden 5. "Goodbye, Earl" - Dixie Chicks
5 things I would do with 100 million dollars: (I'm not counting the act of paying a huge amount of taxes!) 1. Invest wisely so I & all my family members would never have financial worries again 2. Buy a small home on a large lot in the Santa Cruz Mountains (so there's room for all the plants, trees, flowers, veggies, etc. that I want) 3. Donate substantially to my fave charities 4. Do a lot of volunteer work (since I'd never need to work at a job again) 5. Take all my family and friends on a celebratory cruise
5 places I would run away to: 1. Scotland 2. Ireland 3. Italy 4. Hawaii 5. Yosemite
5 things I would never wear: 1. A mini skirt 2. Lingerie in public 3. Stiletto heels 4. Fake eyelashes 5. Thong-like swimsuit bottoms
5 favorite movies:(in no particular order) 1. Braveheart 2. Forrest Gump 3. When Harry Met Sally 4. The Breakfast Club 5. The Princess Bride
5 bad habits: 1. I'm too disorganized, distracted & procrastinating (ADHD) 2. I take things personally more often than I should 3. I have an aversion to touching or looking at raw chicken or turkey 4. I like to bite off the split ends on my hair 5. I spend too much money buying gifts for family & friends (not actually a BAD habit, but sometimes I go overboard and don't leave myself with much $$ for necessary things.)
5 biggest joys: 1. Loving people 2. Being loved back 3. Interacting with animals (especially dogs, rodents, cats & dolphins -- but obviously not in the same room! LOL) 4. Getting a good night's sleep 5. The beauty & majesty of Nature & the natural world
5 favorite toys: 1. My digital camera 2. My computers (Mac desktop & PC laptop) 3. My cellphone 4. My stuffed animals 5. My board games
5 fictional characters I would date: 1. James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser -- a.k.a. Jamie Fraser, the male protagonist of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. #1 choice! I'd take him in a heartbeat! ;D 2. Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. 3. Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (Yes, I have a weakness for swashbucklers and/or rogues, but these next two guys are going to break the pattern! *giggle*) 4. Earl Hickey, the main character from NBC's hilarious new sitcom My Name Is Earl 5. Noel Crane from Felicity, one of my all-time fave TV series. It ran 1998-2002 on the WB Network.
Today I am feeling pleased. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 7:23 PM   |
Rest in peace, Dana Reeve |
I was sorry to read, on an early morning Internet news snippet, that Christopher Reeve's widow Dana had passed away due to lung cancer. She was truly an example of a loving, patient, loyal, upbeat, persevering and classy wife and mother. (And she wasn't even a smoker!)
I was also surprised to read of her death, because just this past November, she went on the record to say her lung tumor was shrinking due to her treatment regimen, and she was feeling very well. She even performed publicly in January! I kept searching the Internet every few hours, to see if there were any updated stories that explained WHY, if she was doing so well, did she die? (I thought perhaps pneumonia had infected her already-weakened lungs).
I sort of found an answer (or probably as much of an answer as the general public will get), in this story by ABC News online. It's also a well-written, informative story overall, if you're interested in reading it.
I wish peace and healing to all of Dana's relatives, but especially to her and Christopher's son, Will, who is now parent-less at the difficult age of 13. :(
Today I am feeling sad. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 1:15 PM   |
Sunday, March 05, 2006 |
Inane time wasting @ the Oscars |
Am I the only person who, year after year, wonders why we have to spend the first 15 minutes or so of the Academy Awards listening to the host do the equivalent of a very BAD stand-up comedy routine filled with time-wasting, inane, insipid drivel?! Why all the stalling? If you're going to waste our time, be truly funny! Don't be facetious, sarcastic, insulting or vapid. Or better yet, since the Oscars are a classy affair, why not have the host/emcee TREAT it classily? Why do we need to sit thru joke after joke anyway? This ain't a stand-up comedy club!
Also -- am I the only person who, year after year, wonders why the host has to interject one tasteless, dumb, sometimes mocking, and sometimes even NON-understandable joke after another between presentations and entertainment numbers? Isn't the initial 15-minute monologue at the start of the show enough?
Just for the record, I'm not some stoic grump! ;D :) As just about everyone who knows me is aware, I love to be silly, make jokes, make people laugh, be made to laugh, and even laugh at my own self. I'm often told I have a very good (and often contagious) sense of humour.
So, I've concluded that *I* am not the one with the problem when it comes to humour at the Academy Awards. *They* are the ones with the problem. I'm just hoping that one year, they'll do away with all the inane, superficial crap that makes me embarrassed-by-proxy for the host, and they'll start having something REAL! Whether the hosts are fed their lines or allowed to create some of them on their own, the majority of them are basically still like school on Saturday -- no class!
Today I am rolling my eyes in disdain! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 8:33 PM   |
Saturday, March 04, 2006 |
Squirrel update! (Peanut & Goober) |
 The panel above is from Gary Larson's now-defunct comic strip, The Far Side. This one was from the early 1980s; I just found it while cleaning out some drawers and HAD to share it! *giggle* It would be interesting to know what squirrels (or any animals) are thinking about us, wouldn't it?
Anyhoo, several folks have been curious what's new with my squirrel friends, so here is an update! :)= It includes photos as well, of Peanut AND Goober! Photos at the bottom -- you get to read the update first! ;D
On Monday of this past week, we had a terrible storm with large amounts of rain and wind. I always wonder (and worry!) about squirrels and birds in storms like this -- where do they go and what do they do? I know sometimes they lose their nests, but hopefully they don't lose their lives!
On Tuesday it was still rainy, but not so strong, and the gusty wind was gone. On Wednesday the weather was nice again, so I eagerly looked for any sign of squirrels outside, but I didn't see any. I did see hummingbirds at the nectar feeder, so at least I knew my feathered friends had weathered the storm.
It wasn't until Wednesday mid-afternoon that I saw a squirrel. We'd had some company over for lunch, and the last guest was just leaving when I saw a squirrel through the downstairs window whom I thought was Peanut or Goober. As soon as I opened the door and sat down on the step, the squirrel came over for a nut or two.
It was a little more shy than Peanut usually is, so I think maybe it was Goober. However, the squirrel also noticed my mom and our lunch guest were peeping through the window, so perhaps THAT was the reason for the reluctance, and it really was Peanut! (I'm still trying to learn to distinguish between Peanut and Goober physically, but it's VERY hard to notice any differences, since I can't exactly ask them to sit side by side and not move until I'm done comparing them! *grin*)
On Thursday, I got to see Peanut and Goober out together, but still not close enough to notice any differences. I'm sure I will soon! In the meantime, I tell them apart by their personalities. Goober will come to me for a treat, but takes longer to decide to do it, doesn't come as close, and runs further away to eat the treat. Peanut, on the other hand, is almost at the point of taking food from my hand, but not yet, and that's OK. :) I'd never do anything to be pushy or over-eager with any animal, wild or domestic. Heck, human beings don't enjoy pushiness either!
Peanut has already made me very happy and fulfilled as it is: she scampers over to me immediately when I call her or when she sees me (she even recognized me with a baseball cap!), she's comfortable coming within 1 or 2 feet of my hand, she doesn't get as startled when I toss her a nut, she eats the nut closer to me rather than taking it into the trees, and is even getting a little used to my camera!
She has NOT become friends with anyone else, however, and will dash frantically away if she sees someone coming -- even if she and I are visiting and snacking together (I enjoy cracking and eating unshelled peanuts too, you know! *giggle*). As I've said before, it's probably safer for her to remain fearful of everyone else, because if she became too trusting of ALL humans, she might one day have a run-in with a human who wasn't very nice. :(
And now for the photos! *cheer* The first one below is Peanut. She was trying to decide which side of the front porch step to jump up on, and kind of stalled at the point for a few moments. I was sitting on the step with my camera, so this gave me a perfect chance to take her picture! Thanks for posing, Pea! ;D
The second photo is Goober. He also kind of posed, although the photo is less clear because I had to use my camera's built-in zoom lens, which is very limited and I wouldn't even call it a telephoto.
Goober is "twinkying". Now before everyone thinks I've lost my mind, let me explain. (heehee) When I had pet rats, they frequently stood up on their hind legs and stretched up to greet me in the corner of their cage. For some reason, the shape and circumference of their bodies made me think of Twinkies. Who knows, perhaps I was eating a Twinkie the first time I saw this? *chuckle* Whatever the case, the name stuck, probably also because "Twinkie" has a cute and diminutive sound, and rats are cute and diminutive too. I have since also used the word to describe the way a squirrel sits up tall on its hind legs and takes a big look around -- kind of like what prairie dogs do. Squirrels also do such cute things with their front paws ("hands") while twinkying, and I love to see their white, fluffy tummies!

Today I am feeling squirrelly! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 5:31 PM   |
Friday, March 03, 2006 |
10-year-old Shari did creative writing! |
I was so amused at reading (and sharing) some entries from the journal I wrote as a 13-year-old middle school student that I decided to share something even older. All throughout elementary school, I loved creative writing and did it a lot. During the same room-cleaning process I mentioned in yesterday's entry, I found a folder of creative writing stories I did in 4th grade.
Here are two of my fave stories, which were from the end of that school year. I had something of an obsession with underlining back then; the more I wanted to emphasize a word, the more lines I placed under it! However, it's only possible to put one line under something on a webpage, so you're spared seeing all the lines. *smirk*
I sure was innocent, immature and carefree back in those days, as the stories will show! (As with my middle school journal excerpts, I'm adding a few comments in italics to clarify things. ENJOY! :)
How I've Grown Up This Semester (May 14, 1982)
I feel that the biggest thing that made me feel grown up was going to lunch with the upper grades (4, 5 and 6) and mostly being a 1st grade table monitor!! Also, I think my handwriting has improved. I do still get my name on the board but not nearly as much as in 3rd grade with Mrs. P. Plus, I can be happy to say that I've never even gotten a check! In Mrs. P.'s class I know I got checks at least twice. I could have done better! [I used to get my name on the board for fooling around with my seatmate and not paying attention, talking without raising my hand, or getting out of my seat without permission. I think I also got reprimanded for having a very messy desk. I was a good student and a good kid; I just had ADHD but no one knew it! *chuckle*]
A mature 4th grader would be able to live through school days when he/she was in hardship. For myself, well, I can say about 65 percent I've done that. My mommy thinks Mrs. S. is one of my better teachers for she is nicely strict and formal like calling Joe "Joseph" and Jay "Jason". She is a neat teacher.
My Summer Plans (June 10, 1982)
This summer I plan to do lots of fun things! I know that the best thing will be going swimming in our solar-heated pool. [The pool belonging to the townhouse complex.] I hope to take swimming lessons from the foxy lifeguard Craig!! I took lessons from him last year too. I’m so happy he’s hired back!
In about two weeks I'm off to Disneyland. When we arrive there at about 5 or 6 o’clock we'll want to do nothing but eat, possibly drive by Knott's Berry Farm and go straight to the motel. Then the whole next day at Disneyland. Then the day after that, we go down to the Valley and spend a day with some adult cousins. [As a kid, the idea of 'adult' cousins always seemed odd to me! Isn't that funny?]
Then, it’s back home and swimming! Oh, plus, we might go (in fact, I'm sure we'll go) to Natural Bridges, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and the Exploratorium! Summer fun for everyone! [Jeez! It's amazing how simple and carefree my life was like at age 10. Sometimes I wish I could be that way again!]
Today I am feeling amused. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:18 AM   |
Thursday, March 02, 2006 |
13-year-old Shari had a journal too! |
While cleaning out (or rather, TRYING to clean out) my awful firetrap of a room, I came across the handwritten journal I started when I was 13. I was an 8th grader in middle school (or junior high school) at the time. I seem to remember I specifically called it my "journal," not my "diary," because the second word sounded too much like "diarrhea"! (*blush* LOL)
I wrote in my journal faithfully at first, and then sporadically. I sure wish I'd started it during my first year of middle school rather than my last, and I wish I'd maintained it all through high school, because it's such an intensely enjoyable and nostalgic thing to read as an adult! ;) :D I think everyone probably feels this way when they read journals they kept as a child or teenager.
Just for fun, I plan to occasionally share entries from that old journal. Here are three that display the typical teen angst many 13-year-old girls go through. Interestingly enough, it looks like February wasn't such a good month for me in 1986 either! *chuckle*
In my original journal, I obviously mentioned everyone's name. However, since I'm sharing this online, I decided to use only the initials of the people I dislike. When mentioning my friends, however, I'll use their first names, since it's not like I'm saying anything bad about them. I've also added some comments in italics to help clarify a few things that might not make as much sense otherwise.
Monday, Feb. 3, 1986
It actually thundered today! In science class (by the way, I have TV journalism 4th period and science 3rd as my new classes this semester) I heard a kind of rumbling and was ready to think it was an earthquake when it stopped. Tammie at our table said, "I hope that was the wind!" But as it turned out, it was thunder. Thao even said she saw lightning from Mr. Holmes' window.
So, I have a good feeling that these new classes will be pretty good, especially TV journalism. Too bad, though, there are quite a few people who are in it who I dislike: E., S., N., S., and T. Oh well. I shouldn't even waste my brain power on the !@#*!@!! likes of those kids! [I guess I didn't use swear words in those days!]
Before I close, I'll say this: my tooth kills from the rubber band. Not really kills, but it's pretty uncomfortable. It's 9:16 p.m. so I'll be done now! [I wore braces and sometimes my orthodontist hooked up various patterns of tiny rubber bands to help bring my teeth together.]
Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1986
Well, today was just another ordinary day. It actually stayed clear all day! Wow! One kind of bad thing happened today, though. Well actually, it's more sad, because it's about a churlish bitch, and I feel sorry for her. It's M.H., and when we got put in our roll-call lines in P.E. today, she said: "Boy, look at this. I'm surrounded by rejects. Shari is a mental retard. You can't even tell if she's a guy or a girl. And then herpes B." Poor B.! Everyone hates him. I feel sorry for that skinny guy. So anyway, I DETEST M.H.! [I wore my hair short in middle school, and I don't think I always wore makeup, but I certainly didn't look like a guy! LOL! This girl was one of the most hateful people you could ever meet.]
On to happier news, in history today we went to the media center and me, Patty, Juliane, Nicole and Michelle discussed our project. It was fun and it's gonna be a great video camera production! Well, I think I'll stop now and read my book in bed.
Friday, Feb. 7, 1986
Well, it's 10:05 p.m., and after a very good MTV Top 20 Video Countdown. [Back in the days when MTV actually played lots of videos, and they were actually good!!]
Tomorrow I'm going over to Juliane's to work on our history project and maybe do some filming if Patty's there. Our group consists of me, Juliane, Patty, Nicole and Michelle.
Oh, there was something I was thinking about for a long time when I got home from school. And I feel I should put it in my journal. Around last week, we got this new boy in our English class named Scott. He's really cute and has that rad white-blond hair.
Anyway, of course the "in" group made it their business to get friendly with him, and (now comes the unbelieveable part) he is already going around with someone! The girl is J.H. Not that I'd wanted to go with him, but my gosh, they hardly even know each other!!! And they're already going together! Unbelieveable!
Today I am feeling nostalgic. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 2:52 PM   |
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 |
"It's not easy being green..." |
Lately I've been writing some looong entries, and they have included some serious things. But now for something completely different -- a short entry about an amusing thing!
This Muppety meme/quiz went around LiveJournal like the flu a few weeks ago. (I have a companion blog over there, where I'm more active too). I didn't post this quiz when it was first popular, partly because I don't usually like doing what everyone else is doing, and partly because I forgot. I commented in other people's journals about my quiz result, but I never posted it. So, now I am! And I have to say that I'm pleased with the result, and NOT surprised by it. ;D If Ernie had been one of the results, I'd have expected to get him OR Kermit, but Ernie wasn't one of 'em, so Kermit I am! (The quiz was about Muppet Show Muppets, not Sesame St. ones)
You Are Kermit |  Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know. You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems. Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green. Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 7:13 PM   |
Welcome to my blog: 'Meandering Missive'! |

- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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