Wednesday, December 14, 2005 |
MEME: '7 Things' |
It seems numerical memes are going around blogdom lately. Not only did I just come across this one, the Seven Things Meme, but I also recently saw a resurfacing of the Four Things Meme that I posted here back in October. I guess good memes are always in circulation. :)
I haven't done ANY meme in a long time, because I don't want to make them feel passe'. However, this one, like the prior one, was fun, interesting and simple, so I liked it. I won't "tag" anyone like I did when I posted the other meme, but I'd love if some of my fellow blog friends "stole" this to use themselves!! :) I always learn something new when I read one of these, no matter how much I already know about a person. And now, here are my answers...
7 things I say most often:
"Cool!" "Hi!" "Is that you?" "Sorry!" "Blub!" (long story) "I had an away." (another long story) Laughter (if that counts as something to "say")
7 things I'd like to do before I die:
Visit Europe Road-trip (or RV) across the U.S. Get married Have a dog, a cat, a pair of chinchillas and a fish pond Own my own soap and candle boutique Earn enough money so I don't have to worry all the time as I do now Write (or at least edit or compile) some type of book
7 things I can do:
Speak in front of a group and actually feel psyched, not terrified! Find the spelling, grammar, punctuation & style errors other editors miss. Make people laugh/cheer up with great ease. Grow trees, plants and flowers with great love. Write ballads and sonnets (though my poetic muse is currently dormant). Fold a paper or linen napkin into a bustier (my only party trick, but a hilarious one!) Swim
7 things I cannot do:
Ride a bicycle Play most sports well Higher mathematics (or even "lower", for that matter! LOL) Get up easily in the morning Tolerate intolerant people Hunt (I'm not a vegetarian; I just don't want to kill animals) Eat rare meat or raw fish
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
Sense of humour Sensitivity Chivalry/gallantry Loves animals Nice eyes (any colour is fine) Moustache Brawny/hairy build
7 celebrity crushes:
Jeez, I haven't had a "crush" on a celebrity in I don't know how long! My celeb crushes were much stronger in my youth. *chuckle* The first 4 names are from my pre-teen and/or teenage years. The next 2 are from my college days. The last is from the late 1990s to early 2000s.
David Hasselhoff Sting George Michael Simon LeBon Brad Pitt Mel Gibson Kix Brooks
Today I am feeling cheerful & a little embarrassed! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 9:12 PM   |
Vehhhhwy intahwesssstink!
I wish you could've sat next to me on the bench in PE class. :) I remember one time in the fifth grade or so when I thought I met a kindred spirit who didn't "get" sports. Alas, it turned out she was only a new student hampered by a make-a-good-first-impression dress. I saw it as a total betrayal when the next week she was out there playing - no, enjoying! - kickball!
Meanwhile: David Hasselhoff?!
SHARI: I would've loved sitting next to you in PE! Even if we almost failed the class, and even if we were the last ones picked for the team, we'd be united in our non-sports Shariness! :) Ugh, PE brings back more bad memories than I care to admit - especially getting picked last for teams.
As for David Hasselhoff - what can I say? He was such a dashing, brawny, hairy hunk in the 1980s during his Knight Rider days! (heehee)
URSINA: You are so right. *blush* Gibson is extremely conservative in religion and politics. However, my crush was around 1995-96, when Braveheart came out. A brave, handsome Scotsman in a kilt - how could I resist? ;) That was before I knew anything of his distasteful uber-conservatism, of course. :(
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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Vehhhhwy intahwesssstink!
I wish you could've sat next to me on the bench in PE class. :) I remember one time in the fifth grade or so when I thought I met a kindred spirit who didn't "get" sports. Alas, it turned out she was only a new student hampered by a make-a-good-first-impression dress. I saw it as a total betrayal when the next week she was out there playing - no, enjoying! - kickball!
Meanwhile: David Hasselhoff?!