Friday, December 02, 2005 |
POEM: Windswept |
Due to popular request, I'm posting another poem. I shared the first one, Beneath the Surface, in my Nov. 2 entry. That poem was written many years ago, and so is this one, called Windswept. (Kind of suitable after the weather we had last night!)
I remember Windswept was among those I "workshopped" in an upper-division poetry class I took toward my English minor at San Jose State. It's written in the style of the Italian sonnet (aka Petrarchan sonnet). I always found English sonnets (aka Shakespearean sonnets) much easier to write, but for the class I had to write at least one Italian sonnet. I'm glad I did!
If memory serves me, this poem generated more feedback and emotion from my classmates than any of the other poems I workshopped that semester. *blush* I wish I could still write like this! Then again, I haven't specifically TRIED it in ages, so perhaps I will again one day! :)
Windswept (April 1994)
The wind was blowing cold across the stones Like wailing banshees through the dark night's air. With taper in her hand, she climbed the stair That wound within the walls that made her home. This castle sheltered those who once did roam Among the elements, both foul and fair Until, when hearts or minds were needing care, They sought a respite from the gath'ring gloam.
A harvest moon now casts a glow upon These testaments to lives of other times; The ruins lie illumined by the light. I walk alone, lamenting what is gone, Because those lives were intertwined with mine. The selfsame wind is blowing cold tonight.
posted by ScaryShari @ 3:44 PM   |
It's great to see someone in this day and age who still appreciates SONNETS - in either of their forms. :-) Right on and great poem! Post some more soon!
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It's great to see someone in this day and age who still appreciates SONNETS - in either of their forms. :-) Right on and great poem! Post some more soon!