Tuesday, December 06, 2005 |
Busy bee, that's me! |
Either I have poor time management, or I'm caught in a time warp, because in four days it seems I should have at least gotten SOME of my Christmas cards out in the mail! But in actuality, I've mailed NONE. :( However, I have done a lot of other things in the past four days (Saturday morning through tonight), so I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself.
To whit: I photographed a community tree-planting event for a freelance project; I cleaned the upstairs and downstairs of the house; I did a load o' laundry; I baked a batch o' brownies; I paid four bills that were hanging over my head; I wrote (and edited) my 2005 holiday newsletter for placement in the aforementioned cards; I followed up on some job leads; I efficiently shopped for and bought several Christmas presents; I attended my mindfulness meditation group after not going for two Tuesdays; and I did the whole "eBay thing" -- invoicing my winning bidders, monitoring who paid via PayPal, organizing and carefully packaging their items and mailing the whole mess (12 parcels!!) at the Post Office.
In between these things, I managed to go out for dinner one night and actually watch a rented movie (March of the Penguins) another night! The eBay stuff took up a lot more time than I thought, and I couldn't put it off in favour of doing my holiday cards, because my seller reputation rides on the items that I ship, and any delays could cause the dreaded NEGATIVE FEEDBACK! <:0 Writing my holiday newsletter also took more time than I thought, because it took a lot of editing and snipping to get it down to just ONE page, since it has to print out on my holiday stationery. I guess the fact that my mom's been sick with a three-day migraine and my dad had another disaster with one of his teeth didn't help matters either, since I ended up changing some of my plans to help accommodate their troubles.
Oh, speaking of eBay, remember my Kenner Sea Wees and Babies auction that I was so excited about? Well, when it ended Sunday evening, the seven or eight bidders who caused the bidding war pushed it up to -- are you ready? -- $229!!! That almost pays for half of the laptop computer I'm hoping to buy during the post-Christmas sales. (Any recommendations on good laptop brands are WECOME! I'm thinking HP, Compaq or Dell.) I never in my wildest dreams thought that a bunch of used, discolored toys from the 1970s would pique so much interest, but I'm sure glad they did! And I'm extremely grateful that I didn't just give the whole lot of Sea Wees, babies and accessories away to the thrift store, as I almost did!
And now, at 9:30 p.m., I'm first going to start signing, addressing and stamping Christmas cards -- inserting the toiled-over newsletter before sealing them, of course! *smirk* If you're not on my Snail Mail card list (I know, how old-fashioned of me), please drop me an email if you'd like to be. Or if you've moved since last year and think I don't have your new addy, please update me. You all have my email address, or if not, it's on my Blogspot profile page.
Today I am feeling frazzled but accomplished. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 9:17 PM   |
Welcome to my blog: 'Meandering Missive'! |

- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
My blog here has been abandoned, sorry! But PLEASE come and visit me at http://scaryshari.livejournal.com -- I update my blog several times each week. And Live Journal is far better than Blogspot/Blogger in many ways!! :)
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