Wednesday, November 30, 2005 |
'Frilly socks' on hairy legs? ;D |
I was browsing eBay today for a pair of bargain purple socks to wear around the house. Solid purple is okay, but I actually prefer purple mixed with other colours (i.e. in dots, swirls, stripes) or purple as part of a cute theme (i.e. flowers, happy faces, rodents, sweets). A few of my fave around-the-house sox are wearing thin, which is why I'm looking for more.
Anyway, during my search, I came upon a hilarious auction! Be sure to scroll down in the auction page; he has SEVERAL photos! I don't know if this guy is for real or not (he has no feedback so far), but I certainly give him credit for having a lot of nerve and a good sense of humour! ;D It's not any guy who can use the adjective "frilly" while wearing pink and purple socks and photographing them on his hairy legs! LOL (Actually I think his legs look great -- minus the frilly socks, of course!)
Oh, and speaking of eBay, my Sea Wees and Babies auction I mentioned in the previous entry has been bid up to $154.49!! Six or seven folks are engaged in a crazy bidding war, and the auction isn't over until Sunday! I never DREAMED I'd get so much money for a set of used, discolored plastic 1970s-esque toys! *blush*
Today I am feeling giddy/giggly! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:18 PM   |
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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