Thursday, November 24, 2005 |
Happy Thanksgiving! |
I hope everyone had a happy, healthy Thanksgiving Day and I equally hope everyone has a fun and SAFE day remainder of the holiday weekend. I still can't believe how many retail stores are opening at 5 or 6 in the morning to accommodate frantic early holiday shoppers! :( :0 As financially strapped as I am, I'd never want to rise that early on the off chance I might find a great deal on some random thing! (Now if I could save several thousand dollars off a Toyota Prius, I'd be willing to get up at 4 a.m. and be at the dealership at 5. *grin* But otherwise -- NO!)
At any rate, at first I was going to blog about what I personally am thankful for, but I was afraid I'd write too much or get too sappy. Then I thought about perhaps doing a fun Thanksgiving meme, but I couldn't find any out in blogdom except one, and I didn't like it. So instead, I'm going to simply share a list of things to be thankful for that my mom read at today's Thanksgiving dinner (which consisted of my folks, my aunt, my cousins and me). She did not write this list; it's something she found in a magazine, or somewhere, several years ago and typed up to share. I REALLY like it. :)
Oh, and when my cousin Julie emails the recipe, I'm going to post a photo I took of this amazingly delicious frozen pumpkin mousse pie she made for dessert! She says it's super-easy, so I want to share the recipe along with the photo. In the meantime, here's the thankful list. Enjoy!
I Am Thankful For....
the mess to clean up after a party because it means I was surrounded by friends and/or family.
the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
the taxes I pay because it means I am employed.
my shadow who follows me because it means I am out in the sunshine.
the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking.
all the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
that lady behind me at a concert who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
the piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.
my huge heating bill because it means I am warm.
weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means that I have been productive.
the lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I am alive.
Today I am feeling content. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 8:44 PM   |
Welcome to my blog: 'Meandering Missive'! |

- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
My blog here has been abandoned, sorry! But PLEASE come and visit me at -- I update my blog several times each week. And Live Journal is far better than Blogspot/Blogger in many ways!! :)
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