Thursday, December 08, 2005 |
That was my 50th entry! |
According to Blogspot/Blogger, what I wrote Tuesday was my 50th blog entry! :) Not bad for someone who started this in the second half of September. Not that I'm throwing a golden anniversary party for myself, but I just wanted to mention this notable and happy event. We'll see what I do when my 100th blog entry appears! ;D
And now for something completely different. I wanted to talk about a few websites, which may or may not interest my readers. I recently joined a program in which I earn small compensations each time I mention and link to certain companies. Blogspot offers all bloggers the opportunity to "make money" with your blog by signing up for the Google AdSense program, but I hate the idea of banner ads anywhere on my blog, even along the margins, and even if they're tailored to the topics/interests I blog about. And pop-ups are OUT of the question!
Instead of any of that, I joined this other program. Sometimes I may "sneak" a plug for a certain website or service into one of my entries without it seeming that way (in fact, I already have once). Other times, such as now, I have several to promote at once, and they're unrelated to each other, so there's no way I could seamlessly segue all of them into the same entry. So, I'm being upfront! :)
I don't get anything extra if you click on the sites or not, but I hope you'll check them out if they sound interesting to you. As for me, I promise I will not promote any site until I've personally visited it, as I'd like to be able to say SOMETHING unique about it aside from just its name. Otherwise, it would be nothing but blind promotion, which is how the Google ads work and I don't particularly like that.
The first site,, truly interests me, as I've been wishing for a while I could get a bachelor's degree in another creative field, or if nothing else, an associate's degree or even a certificate! And eLearners has a great online program variety. Plus I like the idea of taking courses from the comfort of my own home (and not having to put on makeup! *chuckle*) My top interests are web design (since I'm very drawn to that already and dabble in it), graphic design (for similar reasons) and digital photography (I love it but could always expand my skills). All of these topics are there, plus lots more, and they're offered through real colleges and universities.
I think everyone knows how much of an animal lover I am, so it's no stretch of my imagination to! They specialize in pet ID tags in various colors and cute shapes. And unlike some sites that just want you to buy, buy, buy, this site also offers cool additional features like "True Pet Stories", "Cool Pet News", "Pet Health & Safety" and "Pet Humor". There's even a link to a survey of 100,000 pet owners that reveals the most popular names for our furry companions. The three most common ones, each earning more than 1,000 votes, are Max, Buddy and Molly. None of those would be my choice for the dog and cat I plan to have in the future, but hey -- to each their own! :)
I certainly hope none of my family or friends are driving with no insurance, but in case anyone is looking to switch companies and would like a competitive quote, you might like (what an easy name!). There's a simple 5-step process to get a basic auto insurance quote, where you enter details like your age, gender, the year, make and model of your car, where you live, how many claims you've had, etc. I went through the entire process myself, just to ensure it works and that you can get a quote even if you don't want to enter overly personal info. It works! :) I'm not planning on quitting my auto insurance with AAA/CSAA, but I think would be very helpful for undecided folks or new drivers. There's a variety of user tools and information on the website too, not just a quote-generator.
It seems like many folks these days are looking for a job. If you're one of them, and you're looking for finance and accounting jobs in particular, you might want to visit A.E. Feldman at the link I just gave. I looked around the website and it looks very professional and reputable. I'm terribly disabled when it comes to anything related to numbers (*chuckle*), so am not personally interested in this site, but I'm sure it would interest many other folks.
There's nothing interesting about having to sue your doctor or hospital, but unfortunately it seems to be going on more and more lately. Anyone who feels they have a medical malpractice suit should do a lot of research, and it looks like the website "Fighting for You" is a great resource with comprehensive information and resources, easy site navigation and even a free case evaluation.
And now, if you'll pardon the abrupt ending, it's time to get dinner preparations underway, so I will take my leave. :) Thanks again for allowing me to talk about these sites; the compensation really means a lot to me! (When you're a freelance writer, editor and photographer, every dollar helps! *blush*) However, I promise I will only do this promotional thing on occasion, and will try not to get backlogged and have to stuff them all into one entry.
Today I am feeling happy! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 5:10 PM   |
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- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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