Friday, December 23, 2005 |
It sucks to be sick! |
I think I might have strep throat. :( Early in the week, I was in close contact with a woman who had strep, but I didn't know it at the time. Ironically, it was while I was in line at the Kaiser pharmacy to pick up my generic version of Prilosec (for acid reflux). The woman was directly in front of me for a while. I learned of her strep when she walked to the counter and said she was picking up antibiotics for strep (and boy did her voice sound BAD!)
I normally always have Kaiser send my prescriptions in the mail during cold and flu season, but the container these particular pills come in is large and I don't think would make it through my mail slot. Then again, we have a great mail carrier, Ed, who always knocks on the door when something doesn't fit, rather than just leaving a note and making me come to the P.O. So, I will NEVER order any prescriptions to be picked up at the pharmacy until April or May -- mail delivery only!
Anyway, yesterday afternoon I started feeling kind of "funny", but I thought it was because I'd just finished dusting and vacuuming the house, which often irritates my nose and throat. However, by bedtime I knew I had a fever, my throat was sore, and my muscles were so achy I couldn't get comfortable. Normally I'd think this is a virus, but because I was so close to a highly contagious person with strep throat, I fear I might have the nasty bacterial infection myself! (I checked online and the incubation period is short -- you usually get sick in 2 to 5 days!)
I'm going to Kaiser soon for a throat culture. I feel so depressed and guilty about getting sick, because my folks, my aunt, my cousin Julie, her son Brandon and I were all supposed to get together here for a festive pre-holiday lunch and gift exchange. Of course that's been cancelled. :( And this is after my mom and I decorated and planned a special menu, my aunt made my grandma's famous whipped cranberry jello mold and Julie was all set to fete us with one of her special hot appetizers. Fortunately, Julie and Brandon are coming back on Tuesday for another celebration, because her brother Ron and his son Joshua (my cousins also, duh) will be in town from Texas. The only person who'll be missing on the Tuesday reprise is my aunt, which I feel bad about. Maybe at the last minute she'll be able to get off work and join us! (I sure as heck don't plan to be sick by Tuesday!!)
I hope everyone stays well and has a very HEALTHY holiday season! And if you think of it, please send good thoughts my dad Al's way. Thanks! He has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and an enlarged heart. Even the smallest infection has the possibility of creating very serious complications for his bad lungs -- that's why everyone in the family gets flu shots! So on top of feeling sick myself, I'm sick with worry about my dad!
Today I am feeling sick/sad/worried! |
posted by ScaryShari @ 9:46 AM   |
that is HORRIBLE
the best thing to do is to gargle asprin, it numbs the throat, reduces inflammation and the fever! Awesome stuff
Hope you are well soon and ofcourse electronic hugs aren't contagious soooo *hug* get better soon and have a fab christmas!
feel better soon! you diabled comments on your lj account, so i couldn't leave one there!
btw: i don't think i like blogspot... commenting here if you don't have a journal is a pain in the ass!
Sorry you are sick. I sympathize. I started a 2 week holiday a week ago and have been sick the whole time--flu & bronchitis. Blew all the holiday plans away. Hope you are better real soon. I always avoid the pharmacy this time of the year too.
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that is HORRIBLE
the best thing to do is to gargle asprin, it numbs the throat, reduces inflammation and the fever! Awesome stuff
Hope you are well soon and ofcourse electronic hugs aren't contagious soooo *hug* get better soon and have a fab christmas!