Sunday, November 20, 2005 |
Workin' woman's blues |
As many folks know but some don't, I'm looking for a part-time job to supplement my income. I say part-time, because if I were to hold a full-time job, I already know I would likely have to give up my freelance stuff, due to the major difficulty I have juggling too many responsibilities at once. If I worked 40-45 hours a week, the last thing I'd want to do nights and weekends is MORE work!
Because I love being with people, have strong interpersonal communication skills and have been told by many friends and family members that I'd make a good salesperson (thank you! *blush*), I've applied for customer service/retail type jobs. Not one where I'd work on commission, of course -- I'm not aggressive enough for that! :) I just want to work in a store ringing people up at the register, wrapping gifts, answering questions, offering advice, etc. I want it to be a store where I have a strong personal interest in the merchandise, since obviously enthusiasm is contagious.
And so I applied to Diddams Party Store (I love their amazing selection of not just party supplies but also toys, games, cards, gifts, stickers, candles, stationery and more); Barnes & Noble (I love the all-in-one bookstore concept); Petco (I love animals and could actually visit with them, as pets are welcome in the store); and SummerWinds Nursery (I love gardening and horticulture - duh!). I also love Borders Books (for the same reason as B&N) and Bath & Body Works (I'm like a kid in a candy store with all their yummy, frilly products), but I prefer to avoid the personal security and parking problems connected with working in a big mall). I also love Target and am considering applying there too, but not at one attached to a mall.
So far I've only heard back from Diddams, and at the present time, it's a no-go, as their most pressing need is for folks to work weekends. On all my job applications, I indicated I could work just about any part-time combination of hours Monday through Friday, but not weekends. I didn't say why, but obviously it's because nearly all of my family members and friends are off on weekends, so if I had to work weekends, I'd never get to see anyone or do anything. :(
I also followed up with Petco, but only by telephoning their corporate website folks due to the horrid technical difficulties I had submitting my application online (as they prefer). I was told that yes, it all came through fine, and that now I should just wait to see if the HR department of my local Petcos contacts me. As for Barnes & Noble and SummerWinds Nursery, I'll follow up this coming week. (I want the SummerWinds job the MOST!)
Yes, I'm still a self-employed freelance "creative professional," which consists of doing writing, editing and photography whenever I can get the work. Currently I do varying amounts (and types) of it for one community newspaper group, two magazines and one website chain. I also have a line of photographic notecards featuring my nature photography, but that venture brings in the least money of all. To see some of the images, please click here and scroll down to the "Trees & Flowers" album. (Feedback is always welcome! *blush*)
I could certainly get more WRITING work if I tried, but I don't want more than I currently have. The whole reason I left (after 8 years) a full-time community journalism job in early 2003 and a part-time job in community journalism in mid-2005 is because I was becoming "burned out" on writing. I had opportunities to edit/copy edit the work of others, not to mention assign stories, counsel interns, etc., but it still boiled down to the fact that I did more writing than anything else. And that caused my creative juices to be tapped more and more, with less and less replenishing.
My favorite metaphor is of a waterway. When I graduated San Jose State University with a journalism degree, the passion I felt for, and ease with which I worked in, the field of journalism was like a rip-roaring river. Over the years, the waterway changed in both course and current (to extend the metaphor). It is now, unfortunately, more like a trickling brook. I've tried many different approaches to "bring back that lovin' feeling," from psyching myself out to meditating. I've talked to colleagues, friends, family and even a psychologist.
While I CAN and DO still enjoy the feature-type writing I do for my current clients (and do it well, I must say), that's about all I can currently stomach. Gone are the days when I pounced on a breaking news story or local controversy with the fervor of a news hound. Not that I ever liked covering news and politics as much as I liked covering features, but I used to be able to do without breaking a sweat. That's not the case anymore, and for a while this made me feel very ashamed. :(
After talking with the folks mentioned two paragraphs ago, I'm coming to terms with the fact that people change, and with them change emotions, interests and abilities. I'm not a freak or loser as I used to kick myself about; I'm just someone who for any number of reasons, burned out sooner than I thought I would, and sooner than some people. The ADHD may have something to do with it, or maybe not. (I have no trouble focusing on things I'm intensely interested in).
However, I am absolutely still a creative person. :) I just need to channel that creativity in more than one restricted way. (Ask me about my newest "side project" -- handcrafted melt-and-pour soapmaking!) Back to the journalism side of things, I no longer work at any one company, but freelance so I can pick and choose my projects. What I want MOST is to be a copy editor, because editing has always been one of my strongest traits. It also wouldn't use up my remaining creative juices ("whew!"), because it doesn't involve spinning straw into gold, as writing does. It involves reading something someone else wrote, and catching and repairing boo-boos relating to grammar, punctuation, style, content and clarity. (Quick note: I don't always practice what I preach when I blog, as blogging is more fun and extemporaneous. But please know I am quite obsessive-compulsive when I'm wearing my copy editing hat! *chuckle*)
If anyone knows of any type of job they think I'd be good for, please let me know. I'd be grateful. <:) That goes for retail sales/customer service work OR writing/editing/photography.
Today I am feeling  conflicting emotions. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 1:46 PM   |
Truly, the Shari tribe is marked by its love of melt and pour soapmaking - you heart Primal Elements, right?
What are you lusting after at B&BW lately? I was brokenhearted when they discontinued cinnamon frosting Tutti Dolci, but I'm looking forward to trying the new stuff in that line. I use the Pure Simplicity line on my face... er... when I remember!
Have you considered offering your copy editing skills on eBay? You know, just in time for all those desparate students with error-ridden midterm papers in need of sharp eyes and guiding hands?
SHARI -- you certainly have me pegged! ;) I do indeed love Primal Elements. In fact, that's the type of soap/body biz I wish I'd had the foresight to start up myself many years ago! *sigh*
As for B&BW, there isn't much I DON'T lust for, but my fave fruity scents are Mango-Mandarin, Cucumber-Melon and Country Apple. I used to also love Pearberry but I'm a little tired of it (although it's still nice). As for floral scents, my faves are Sweet Pea and Sheer Freesia.
I also LOVE the Tutti Dolci line, especially Lemon Meringue and something chocolatey whose name I forgot. I haven't tried many of the brand-new flavours yet. I wonder why they discontinued your fave Cinnamon Frosting? Now you'll have to buy it from scalpers on eBay! *smirk*
My newest find was a 3-jar sampler pack of Jaqua body butters: Buttercream Frosting, Marshmallow Cocoa and Peach Parfait. They smell good enough to EAT! (I tried 'em at B&BW before buying).
I hadn't thought of advertising my editing services on eBay, but that's not a half-bad idea! :) I might also advertise on the Bay Area edition of (I'm sure you've seen the Las Vegas edition). I have nothing but good things to say about Craigslist!
MILGWIMPER -- thanks for the kind words. :) You always have upbeat and encouraging things to say, especially when I'm feeling down. Then again, I guess I do the same for you, eh? What are best friends for! *hugs*
I sure hope you start getting better soon. I hope DH is taking good care of you. If he's making you slave in the kitchen cooking up bibimbop and chap chae, just let me know and I'll come ova' and open a can! (heehee)
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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Truly, the Shari tribe is marked by its love of melt and pour soapmaking - you heart Primal Elements, right?
What are you lusting after at B&BW lately? I was brokenhearted when they discontinued cinnamon frosting Tutti Dolci, but I'm looking forward to trying the new stuff in that line. I use the Pure Simplicity line on my face... er... when I remember!
Have you considered offering your copy editing skills on eBay? You know, just in time for all those desparate students with error-ridden midterm papers in need of sharp eyes and guiding hands?