Wednesday, November 02, 2005 |
POEM: Beneath the Surface |
I've had some requests to share my poetry here (*blush*), and decided to do so on an irregular basis. I used to write it as often as a bard, with sonnets and ballads my preferred format, although I also liked free verse. Unfortunately, however, I seem to have lost my poetic muse the last few years.
Actually -- on second thought -- I don't think I've lost it. I think it is simply DORMANT. :)
I can't imagine that something I loved so much, and came so easily to me, could ever simply go away. I think perhaps it just got buried by the same creative burnout that insidiously took away my passion for journalism. But just like some seeds can lie dormant for years until just the right favourable conditions let them germinate, I think the same is likely true for my poetry.
At any rate, the poem below is from 1994. The entire 1990s was a very "fertile" decade for me, perhaps because my brain was being stimulated by college anyway, or perhaps because I went through a lot of strong emotions (both good and bad) due to relationships in that decade. "Beneath the Surface" was one of my fave poems from that decade, and still is, for various reasons. I just can't believe I wrote it 11 years ago!
Beneath the Surface (Autumn 1994)
A cold, pristine layer Of icy isolation, Thickened and hardened By the passage of Extended seasons Of bleak Winter.
But below the chilling layer, Dark currents can be seen Through its spots of Translucence, those Dangerous spots where The ice wears Thin. Somewhere within the depths There flows a warm spring, An ancient vent to a core Of such heat as would Melt the weathered glaciers Lodged atop the craggy Surrounding mountains.
The swirling currents Create a hidden turbulence, As heat struggles to Vanquish cold. All this beneath the Cold and placid surface.
From the distant mountains The lake offers no clue As to its internal turmoil. Tall and hardy evergreens Overlook the scene With silence.
Day becomes night In endless cycles. Outwardly, all is the same. Inwardly, the lake is changing.
In the dark before the dawn, A shooting star Illumines the sky, Its trail reflected On the surface of a small Pool of water -- A melted spot among the ice, Emanating warmth.
Today I am feeling accomplished. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 3:20 PM   |
*blush* Thanks for the kind words about this, and my other poetry. I can't believe you remember this poem, but I'm glad. I too see a lot of images in my mind when I read it. It also seems to give off a mood/feeling.
Anyhoo, I will definitely post more poems in the future. I just have to look through my huge list and pick some. <:) Speaking of which, haven't you written some poems yourself? Or was it just short stories? I remember you writing some pretty cool things!
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*blush* Thanks for the kind words about this, and my other poetry. I can't believe you remember this poem, but I'm glad. I too see a lot of images in my mind when I read it. It also seems to give off a mood/feeling.
Anyhoo, I will definitely post more poems in the future. I just have to look through my huge list and pick some. <:) Speaking of which, haven't you written some poems yourself? Or was it just short stories? I remember you writing some pretty cool things!