Friday, November 11, 2005 |
HELP! My blog template's ruined! |
My sincere (and confused) apologies to anyone who's visited my blog within the last few days. When I came to my blog yesterday to post the "Which Tree Are You? (Celtic astrology)" quiz, I had not checked my blog for about 3 days.
When I checked it yesterday, I was HORRIFIED to see that my entire blog template has seemingly been CORRUPTED! The main light-green field where all the text and pix go is suddenly much longer than it used to be. It's supposed to remain as long as (but no longer) than the garden bench photo at the top. But now it's all stretched out past the right-hand margin! This, in turn, has made my entire SIDEBAR (user pic/profile, recent rambles, archives, fave blogs, fave websites, web counter, affiliates) all messed up! They're now sitting smack-dab in the middle of the dark green frame that surrounds the blog, making all of those sidebar items very unpleasant and HARD to read. *blush* (And making me look like I don't care about it!)
I'm sooo sorry! I'm so disappointed with Blogspot as well. :( I changed NOTHING in my blog template between Sunday and yesterday. No edits, no anything. Yet when I came here yesterday, everything was different and RUINED! I know sometimes the monitor's screen resolution can make things screwy, but unfortunately this problem was not so easily solved. I viewed my blog at both 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768, but BOTH resolutions showed the same ugly problem. I also thought perhaps Blogspot suddenly became unfriendly to Netscape Navigator, so I closed that browser and viewed my blog with Internet Explorer. SAME ugly problem!
I am completely lost and confused. I sent an email to Blogspot's tech support team and explained everything I just wrote here; hopefully they will get back to me SOON! Or even if they don't get back to me, that's fine as long as they FIX whatever caused my blog template to change for the WORSE without my knowledge. :( If they neither respond to me nor fix the problem... well... let's just say that I'll have no choice but to be a major HawTHORN (*grin*) in their side until they do!
Today I am feeling aggro and frustrated. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 9:00 AM   |
Hmmm - it looks fine (same as always) to me now and I'm sure I've checked it in the last few days (such loyalty! ha!) - I wonder what's up? Firefox on WinXP at 1024x768, if it helps. Or did you manually fix it already?
Also, have you checked some third party rendition of your site, like (Where it shows your site in Safari - ugh, looks like you have to register now... never mind, perhaps.)
And hey, my evil Eng teacher pen is purple, just like yours! (Red is frowned on these days, doncha know... but it still feels so satisfying and decisive!)
Oops, I spoke too soon - SORRY! Yes, it is messed up for me on the main page. :( I forgot that I never see the main page because I read your site via RSS, so it takes me straight to the individual page.
However! Is it because you have an image with fixed text on your blog quiz post that (perhaps) goes past the boundaries of the blogging area? That's the only one that's similarly messed up as an individual page for me, and since it's on your front page it would throw the rest of it out of whack. (I've had similar situations where a really long URL messes up the page.)
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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Hmmm - it looks fine (same as always) to me now and I'm sure I've checked it in the last few days (such loyalty! ha!) - I wonder what's up? Firefox on WinXP at 1024x768, if it helps. Or did you manually fix it already?
Also, have you checked some third party rendition of your site, like (Where it shows your site in Safari - ugh, looks like you have to register now... never mind, perhaps.)
And hey, my evil Eng teacher pen is purple, just like yours! (Red is frowned on these days, doncha know... but it still feels so satisfying and decisive!)