Friday, November 11, 2005 |
Bingo blues |
Wow! I wrote three entries in ONE day (morning, afternoon and night). That's definitely a record for me, and one that will probably not be broken any time soon. *chuckle*
I was supposed to be playing tonight with my gals-only monthly bingo group, The Bingo Belles , but I think it was just not meant to be. We usually meet the third Friday of each month to eat snacks, talk, laugh, play bingo and win cool prizes that we bring in the form of wrapped gifts. And money for the blackout round. That's it in a nutshell; there's more info available from the above link.
I sort of became the default host of the group since I'm also the founder. (March 2006 will be our 1-year anniversary! *cheer*) Since I had a schedule conflict on the third Friday of November, I moved it back a week to tonight. Unfortunately, this wasn't a good date for many of the Bingo Belles: three players were out of town, one's been sick all week, one had to work, one had a volunteer gig, one had a prior commitment, and one is in the throes of moving. I sure know how to pick a bad date, eh?? All that bad news aside, however, there were STILL enough players for a small but fun game, so I went ahead and planned for it.
However, yesterday I got a call from a gal who had to cancel due to a semi-last-minute change of family plans. And then just today, another gal cancelled, due to a very last-minute plan change. That would have left only three players for sure (including me), plus one who was a "maybe," along with one whom I haven't heard from in several months, so I've no idea where she is.
At any rate, I decided to call the game on account of small turnout, and was fortunate enough to reach the would-be players via cellphone in time. I've decided that since December is the busiest month for many people, I'm going to have a short poll. Everyone on the Bingo Belles group email list will get to VOTE on which Friday in December is best for them: the first, second or third one. (They're all fine with me so far). Whichever Friday gets the majority of votes will be the bingo date.
Ever the optimist, I'm already looking forward to a great turnout and great game for December. :)
Today I am feeling disappointed. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 7:45 PM   |
Heya! Thanks for the note. *hugs* But the most important thing is that you were smart to stay home and get yourself better. :) I hope the nasty cough is going away, and I hope DH didn't catch anything from you!
Some of the better bingo websites have communal areas where you can chat to other players, exchange stories and jokes (some of which are terrible for example Q) What do you call a lady addicted to gambling at bingo? A) Betty!!) also there are areas on the site where they explain jargon to people who have only recently begun to play online bingo . These areas are nice extras to the online bingo site which give players an opportunity to communicate with each other.
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Heya! Thanks for the note. *hugs* But the most important thing is that you were smart to stay home and get yourself better. :) I hope the nasty cough is going away, and I hope DH didn't catch anything from you!