I just took one of those inane little quizzes at Blogthings.com, many of which have the spelling, grammar and syntax of a careless third grader. Oh how I dearly WISH I could get paid to be a copy editor for a site like that!!
At any rate, one of the quizzes that sucked the least was called "How Scary Are You?". I took it in the spirit of Halloween, and also because my nickname is, after all, ScArY sHaRi *evil laughter*. Not surprisingly, however, here is the result of my quiz. (I thought I should have at least gotten the "You are a LITTLE bit scary" designation! But, I guess not.)
You Are Not Scary |  Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet? |
Today I am feeling amused.
Now that *IS* scary -- the quiz, I mean, not you! Someone who's so loving and caring for animals (and for the environment as a whole) could never be scary in MY book! :)
However, you are certainly eccentric (in a good way) and a true rara avis! (When will you ever hear THAT Latin phrase in a sentence again? *chirp chirp*) I think I can guess which of your answers to which questions on that quiz led to the ScArY descriptor! :D