Wednesday, October 26, 2005 |
MEME: "Four Things" |
That's "meem", not "me-me"! ;D
I've had my blog for about a month now, but I have yet to participate in one of those eclectic, creative snippets called "memes" that are circulating in blogdom. I actually was "tagged" by L/Milgwimper in early October to participate in the 23/5 Meme, but since part of it involved one's 23rd blog entry, I couldn't participate, because at the time I only had about HALF that number of entries. :( Anyone interested in what the 23/5 Meme is about, please visit the Oct. 9 entry in her blog, "Some Like It Hot."
As for me, I will now participate in the Four Things Meme, which I found in the Oct. 25 entry of another friend, Bronwyn, in her blog at Live Journal. (There doesn't seem to be a way to link to individual blog entries there). Bronwyn didn't "tag" me to do this meme, but when I saw it, I liked it, and felt inspired to answer the questions. :) And so, here they are. I'm not up on all the "protocol" regarding tagging my fellow bloggers to participate, especially since I found this meme NOT via getting tagged, but here are the folks I nominate to complete the Four Things Meme -- L/Milgwimper, Shari (my Las Vegas namesake), Marjorie, and Jo. (I'll limit it to four people, since the meme is all about fours *grin*). Of course, it's totally optional and just for fun. No one is obligated to do it.
FOUR THINGS YOU USE EVERY DAY: 1. bed 2. computer 3. phone (cell and/or landline) 4. water
FOUR JOBS YOU'VE HAD IN YOUR LIFE: 1. babysitter 2. Subway sandwich maker 3. 'media professional' (writer, editor, photographer) 4. freelance version of the above
FOUR TV SHOWS YOU WATCH THE MOST: 1. West Wing 2. CSI 3. Food Network stuff (especially "$40 a Day w/ Rachael Ray") 4. Travel Channel stuff
FOUR PEOPLE YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE LAST: 1. Tony 2. Mom 3. Mike (editor of a magazine I freelance for) 4. Rudolf (tech support for my web hosting company)
FOUR MOVIES YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: 1. Forrest Gump 2. Braveheart 3. The Breakfast Club 4. The Princess Bride
FOUR THINGS YOU WANT TO DO IN LIFE: 1. Visit Europe 2. Road trip across U.S. 3. Own handcrafted soap biz 4. Fairytale happy ending
FOUR FAMILY MEMBERS YOU'RE CLOSE TO: 1. Parents 2. Aunt Janie 3. Cousin Julie 4. Cousin Ron
FOUR PLACES YOU'VE BEEN ON VACATION: 1. Las Vegas (most recently!) 2. Yosemite 3. Disneyland 4. Chicago
FOUR COSTUMES YOU'VE WORN ON HALLOWEEN: 1. Renaissance Faire peasant/wench ('default costume' for years) 2. Pirate (1 or 2 times in college) 3. Wannabe punk rocker (high school, I think) 4. I wore so many childhood costumes I lost count, but I recall a very cute, old-fashioned clown costume my mom made for me. :)
FOUR SCHOOLS YOU ATTENDED: 1. San Jose State University 2. Gunderson High School 3. Steinbeck Middle School 4. Erikson Elementary School
FOUR OF YOUR FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPINGS: 1. cheese (duh) 2. olives 3. mushrooms 4. pepperoni
Today I am feeling content. |
posted by ScaryShari @ 10:00 PM   |
I posted the results in my LJ. :)
When are you, me and Milgwimper having lunch again? :)
Hey there Marjorie! :) Thanks for being a good sport and playing along with this meme. I will visit your blog in a minute and read your results. (And comment).
I'll be calling Mil this weekend, and she and I will figure out a couple of days/dates that work, then I'll relay them to you. I work from home and she isn't working at all right now (just taking a class), so it shouldn't be too difficult for the three of us to do lunch! :) - Shari
Done! (post here)
Ah, the wannabe punk rocker costume - me too! With spray-on "shocking" hair shades from the drug store, too.
1. Triangle eyes plus semi-toothy grin (Dad held the big knife)
2. Reaper holding scythe (the year I discovered Pumpkin Masters patterns just a little bit before my wowed friends)
3. Raven on branch with spooky "nevermore" lettering above (apparently my swan song, see #4)
4. Indiana Jones-type ripoff design that is half-hearted half-carved on the kitchen counter and likely to stay that way since sitting on the sofa eating candy corn and watching Alton Brown is just so much more fun :)
Anyone else?
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- Name: ScaryShari
- Location: South Bay Area, California, United States
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I posted the results in my LJ. :)
When are you, me and Milgwimper having lunch again? :)